Bonus side effect: would help alleviate the Bay Area rent crisis.
Bonus side effect: would help alleviate the Bay Area rent crisis.
We gotta kill everyone advocating for this shit before it's too late
you guessed it: Frank Stallone
I first knew him from Toys, an uneven movie but a great performance. Man was a master.
I understand and agree to an extent, but the Charger is a million times worse because we’re dealing with higher horsepower + RWD, which morons do not handle terribly well.
Quite a broad brush to use over your mommy and daddy issues...
uhh unless you’re living on venus direct sunlight isn’t going to make a propane tank explode
You seriously need to be on government watchlist when you buy a fucking Charger at this point, I swear to god in heaven. You can talk shit about any other car’s owners all you want, but there is no group of people on the planet as completely brain-dead knuckle-dragging stupid as Charger people.
That’s a stupid reason to buy a truck.
You think they’re going to Charger for improperly storing a dangerous fuel in her vehicle?
That explosion turned it into a widebody Charger.
So weird to have to tie everything, including an article focused on a made up canal drawn in Microsoft Paint, back to politics. There is more to life, go touch some grass.
I mean 1) you say this like there weren’t literal Columbine Counter-Strike maps, and 2) He’s more like a Che Guevara figure, so it would be absolutely messed up from many points of view, and others would see him as legit fighting against the tyranny of the corps.
I mean, more of a wolf3d clone, but whatever ;)
So...what are we waiting for?!
And that is bad, because...?
Eh, one has a history of assault charges, one is just a dick.
Thimerosol, which is where the mercury comes from in a vaccine, is perfectly safe. It’s ethylmercury, not mercury. Its akin to the difference between sodium chloride (table salt) and chlorine (bleach). One is safe to consume, the other is toxic. It's safety has been evaluated since the 30s. Almost a hundred years now!
Breaking: selfish person complains that her selfishness cost her work opportunities.