Wolfgang von Schrei

So he is just another conservative bro beating his trad wife and libertarian-ing himself into a crypto scam. Dime a dozen MAGAs. 

“This is not to say this is a shoddy ship or anything, it’s just that this is all new technology and they’re learning it as they go along,” he said. “You have to just remember the early days of the space program or the early days of aviation, where you just make a lot of mistakes on the way to figuring out what

Where’s Uwe Boll when we need him?

Create a Thunderdome style dueling arena way out in the Nevada desert. Give free tickets to each person’s biggest supporters on social media. Opening bell of the fight drop an asteroid on the whole site.

Please let this happen and please let them both be mortally injured. It would be for the best.

It’s stupid to blame the controller. The US military has used xbox controllers for drones since Gulf War 2. It’s an easy way to give people a familiar interface.

I think you’re confusing “wikis” (which is a broad category of pretty much any user-editable repository of information) with “Wikipedia” (one extremely high-profile wiki that aims to be a general encyclopedia). This is about wikis currently run by a company called Fandom, which hosts a huge number of wikis for things

The problem is that they are kind of the “Reddit” of wikis focused on specific topics. Very few shows or games or anything have a dedicated source of information that goes into the level of detail that fans may be looking for.

Fandom killed Giant Bomb, fuck them.

Fandom is trash, is why. They are absolutely horrible custodians of the old wikia sites. They’re the ones that added autoplaying videos they made themselves to every wiki page on some (many? all?) wikis that takes up half the page on mobile. They’re the ones that steal all the content and keep running it in your

I remember the time when I was in college and Simmons was still a columnist for ESPN, and I wrote in to one of his mailbags breaking down the illogical batting order of Bad News Bears in Breaking Training. Never got a response and he never acknowledged my email, but wouldn’t you know it? A few months later, he churned

That’s the family business. It’s literally all he knows how to do - sponge off other people. 

I can’t wait for the Netflix series five years from now, where Harry will talk gravely about how traumatic it was to hear his wife described as a “grifter,” because it reminded him of the unfair criticism his mother received before she died.

Now playing

I’d guess Upperclass Twit of the Year competition,

Don’t promote other people burning their cash away on some online gambling shit.

Here at Jalopnik capitalism does no wrong. We forget our continuing struggle to clean up the Hanford Site, or issues of Uranium mining on Tribal lands or even the downwind poisoning of people especially in Utah due to testing at the Nevada site. Or Lost weapons just to add to the mix. Tons of chemicals dumped off

Don’t forget the US base in Greenland...

But in all fairness America’s not exactly innocent either. The western Artic circle is not yet free from the effects of the dozens of DEW Line stations deployed there in the 1950s despite still ongoing cleanup by both the US and Canada.

You can replace that with USA and capitalism, and your sentence would still be accurate.