Wolfgang von Schrei

Oh my, what a fascinating bit of username/comment synergy.

But we wouldn’t need a those little horrible wars if we had one great big horrible war with Russia!

How dare you disparage the finest movie ever made about butt weasels from space?

I’m just waiting for nightmarish civil wars in the Balkans to come back en vogue.

That sounds like something an alien would say to cover for another alien.

I’ve got a bunch of Canadian pennies I can mail you. Hell, I’ll even roll them.

Yeah, I’ve been getting about 30 notifications a day for old comments. It’s definitely an annoying side effect of the kinjapocalypse, but at this point everything is terrible and I really picked the wrong year to quit drinking.

The pokemon with a phallus nose tends to be right in such matters.

Weren’t we all, though?


I burned through the season until late in the night myself, then sobbed myself to sleep for about 15 hours, so yeah, wow.

We also would have accepted “Sir Buttrick Stewfart”.

They’re saving that for a two-part time travel cliffhanger in S2.

Fun fact my grandfather was named Walter. He went to great lengths to avoid serving in WW2.

Major depression and Kinja, for the most part.

Counterpoint: Flakes are pretty great and especially well-suited to being jammed into an ice cream cone for no apparent reason.

An abortion was involved the last time I waited that long for a period.

Goddamnit. I can’t believe I miss Disqus.

<b>The AV Club</b>

A GWAR cameo as wights in S8 would be a perfect venue for Oderus’ comeback, now that you mention it.