Wolfgang von Schrei

I'll join you in that. I haven't watched Kill Bill in at least six months.

"Of cock!"

Which is why I'll stick to pompatusing, thank you very much.


Learning that is the first thing that's made me curious to see the stinker, actually.

Still Michael Moriarty's finest role, I reckon.

I had four today already!

But he's got that sweet Laurel Canyon personal brand!

There's no such thing as a perfectly fine realtor and you know it.


I was a 10 year old who spent his time doing shit like riding around on bikes, playing D&D, and watching horror movies with my friends. Safe to say I'm a fan of this show.

You need to savour an O'Neal Newswire like it's a fine Saskatchewan gin.

Between the cast and the subject matter, it should have been right in my wheelhouse.

"Why is the Batmobile covered in pouches?"
"Forget the pouches, what's with the tiny tires?"

It's both stupid and aggressively crappy-looking! Everybody wins!

Which of course makes you feel like even more of a shit.

Ah shit, that ancient Mesopotamian clay seal on the mantelpiece suddenly broke in half.

Dude, why did you have to bring poor Rowlf into this…

Dunkirk 2: Electric Stukaloo

All my dad's various passwords are different WWII aircraft model numbers.