Wolfgang von Schrei

Fuck you, Baio.

I've never had sexytime thoughts about Beaker. That's how I tell them apart.

Popped up in mine too, and I haven't been watching Japanese women't wrestling.

7) We get ads for Boy Butter lube in Canada, which involve quite a bit of … churning.

Top bunk dibs!

"Boromir, of course." — me, about to click this article

This Made Me Happy in a Melancholy Way, Internet.

It's the goddamned Sausage and Egg McMuffin that keeps me going back.

I'm looking forward to the faithful reconstruction of El Dan's basement.

It's a more relaxing, candlelit version of the sonic showers from Star Trek.

Is your hat one of those stupid Greek fisherman deals with a turtle on it? Because those are the only hats GRRM's into.

No shit. I have trouble getting decent weed.

Dowd more or less complimented his square jaw in the BVS review. So the lower part of Cavill's face is at least getting somewhat positive reviews.

I'll just sweep it under that big pile of mics.

Would that that had happened in Cheeto Mussolini's case.

Clumsy, fumbling, and ultimately unsatisfying for everyone involved.

What the fuck, Charlie? I could do a better lip sync than that, and I suck.

Soaking wet.

Yeah, I saw it in the theatre when I was about 19 or so, and absolutely loved it.

OK, Dragon Wars is a complete and utter clusterfuck (what is it, like four flashbacks within flashbacks at one point?) but I can't help but love it for its balls-to-wall dragon-riddled terribleness.