Wolffia Anguste

You have no idea how many women are in that minority, though. Women don't exactly broadcast all their sex for cash relationships that get them through college and help subsidize their lifestyle while working a minimum wage job. Moreover, it's not like cleaning houses, working minimum wage at Burger King, picking

What a person is aroused by watching is not the same as what a person wants to do in bed. I know. I've tried with women. Really hot women. And it does nothing. I don't want to bang my hot bi/lesbian friends who want to bang me, and it's a damn shame, but I can't do much about it. And in my circle (my college, grad

I think I know better than Internet Stranger with Big Opinions whether I'm straight or not. Really, there is more complexity in the world than you know.

That's one of the most damaging things about men getting their sex/romance education from TV, movies, and porn, in my opinion. A lot of men don't seem to understand that you can't be a complete stinky slob and get hot women to fall all over themselves for you. My friend was recently telling me that he was shocked

Maybe the younger friend likes the way he kisses and bangs. Just a thought.

I'm straight and I watch lesbian porn. Human sexuality is complex.

I found a porn I liked a lot (so much so that I shared it with my husband), but I don't know if it was produced specifically with women in mind, and it was two women, and I'm straight. He said it got boring because it was so long. I found that pretty amusing.

Certainly not Rashida's chosen profession!

You've never enjoyed a film that wasn't a documentary? Acting (you know, what Rashida here does for a living) can be enjoyable to watch!

Not always! I once had a guy throw in my face that I slept with him on our first date. That's a nice double-standard for you!

This is a woman who has posed for magazines in her underwear and performs for a living telling people she believes to be lesser performers that the very act of performing (for the camera, or for the male gaze, as if she doesn't ever do that(!)) is bad. Can she really claim that she doesn't ever behave in any way to

Lets be honest, any job within capitalistic cogs is going to be "bad for your soul" whether you are in an office or a porn set.

People definitely don't get six week vacations from that job!

I'm guessing this lady doesn't have a job.

Thank you! As someone who is very short and petite, and would do pretty much anything to be taller (I considered leg lengthening in China), I got a lot of the same crap when I was young and enjoying myself. Yes, I looked younger than my age, because people seem to expect short women to eventually grow into taller

This is the question that (non-philosopher) people never want to have to answer.

One of my dates (a guy) took an All-Clad pan from me. Was I really that bad?!

I have to agree with you on Sandya. I have never seen that level of passive aggressiveness on any reality TV show. It made her seem a little scary.

Wonderful. You are a rare beam of rational thought in a grotesque post-modernist moral relativism muck. People would have populations eat themselves into extinction, and will have the planet ravaged to inhabitability in order to satisfy their cultural "sensitivity."

Fuck tradition. Seriously. Tradition was relevant before people had the ability to educate themselves, think rationally, and think critically. We don't need tradition anymore.