Wolc *grammar nazis go f*** yourselves*

A four door Beetle would probably sell pretty steadily (if slowly) all over the world. Hell, give it a lift kit, gray body cladding and wheel arches, call it an SUV and it’ll sell like free pancakes in the US. They can call it the Beetlecross...or something.

Mexico approves

There’s some truth to that. Old money doesn’t advertise their wealth.

This would never happen with an iPhone.

So, what I’m getting from this is, “It’s okay, because they were following orders.”

This whole situation, is exactly why I can’t understand the open disdain for China that the US exhibits. Surely China should be their Idol? A brutal dictatorship in a walled-off surveillance state. I think, mayhaps it’s jealousy that drives this distaste, not opposition to their ideals.

But didn’t you hear? Orange man made it great again.....

Cops right now are making the best case for abolishing police departments.

Seems like a good addition. Those Korvidians are so smart!

Oh my god... THIS IS IT. COVID-19 is the origin story for the Cars universe! It all makes sense now!

We’re all going crazy in quarantine, but add that crazy on top of normal Torchinsky crazy and you get... well, this.

The solution is clearly bio-augmentation as previously discussed on this website:

I, too, read the entire thing. Count me (you too, I suspect) among the senseless scores of jalops that would love to have a drink with and listen to this guy!

Caliing this era Arnold “sufficiently buff” is like calling a Bugatti Chiron sufficiently fast.

The lack of tracking stuff is easy: in 1990, people weren’t even thinking about ubiquitous surveillance yet. GPS existed, but it was exotic. Cell phones barely existed. There was CCTV in some stores, police were starting to figure out that they could use credit card transaction histories to piece together recent

Your VIN code is you credit card number

That has been a relative plot line in way too many books and other entertainment media for the last...shit, 40+ years?

Even scarier thought, what if country leaders released it because they know at the rate we’re going, we’ll damage the environment/use up resources. Once we reach acceptable numbers, a vaccine will appear. 

This virus really is just the Earth shaking off it’s own human virus.