Avril Lavignes lawyers would like to have a word with them too.
Avril Lavignes lawyers would like to have a word with them too.
You are at war against your police. Where will the military stand?
Why do you need hydraulic press? T-800 series won’t fall for that again.
Fun to drive front-mid engined rwd flat 3 ute?
NP. For some reason don't see vote button. Little cosmetics and it's good for radwood.
Rubber and dogshit?
Nothing against EVs. And tbh the car looks good. They just took a coupe/convertible name and slapped it onto a SUV. Hence 'Eclipsed'
They Eclipsed the Mustang
Yes! What about international shipping?
Would suggest citroen berlingo/peugeot partner. But you don’t get those over there. Suprisingly nimble little van.
What? One is public space (road) another is private. Accident recorder doesn't have to record audio and video from inside the car.
Drunk people are not famous for sound decisions and recorder would help on accident investigation. And probably often clear driver from charges.
Sad but so it’ll be. It is simpler to limit than to educate. On board with breathalyzer and accident recorder thought.
Question: were your dreams always so clear or do you think it was related to your condition? Also wish you lot of strenght for recovering.
It’s ugly. And not in a good way like original HMMWV or Gumpert Apollo. But rather ugly, like 2 days old open fracture or that old bum who always hangs out behinf 7-11 and asks for cigs.
It’s cute. Make next gen Berlingo/Partner look like that.
Looks like a garage queen. CP. That said, would love to ride a scooter with a sidecar some days.
Like the looks and ease of entry and exit. That said, body kit should serve a purpose, not just cosmetic. Also kinda think the spacers aren’t making handling any better. And then there is the price. For something which can be called ‘someone elses finished project’. CP all around.
What the hell is going on in US?