Wolc *grammar nazis go f*** yourselves*

It is always been there. Also, if it’s supposed to make the fuel burn cleaner, the changed properties would be excpected.

Looked better too

It’s not the goverments, it’s the lizard people in governments.

The term people use to discredit is ‘conspiracy theory’. Conspiracies themselves are very real things.

Yes. And it’s been higher before. That’s were we get our fossile fuels from.

Nope. Just fuel manufacturers. And even they don’t have to know the true nature of the ‘component to make it burn cleaner’

Um.. russians flew a flying crowbar just last year. Nobody understood the radiation cloud until they braged about it.

No, don’t do that. Ancient egyptians flipped the Earth this way so that cold blooded lizard people would be in the dark and wouldn’t invade our side.

My kind of business

Oh. Ok. Thank you.

Yeah.. Point stands. It’s really not as much about this occasion as more of general corporate enviroment. Last weeks news about profitability of curing patients ant etc. This just happened to bu published here when i was drunk enough to put my fingers to work. Also, these events are just the symptom. Problem is the

For me no. Not a bone of american patriotism in my body.

Is the money Everything? Doesn’t life or happiness matter any more? Peeps.. we created artificial life before we knew how and it/they is/are corporations. They feed on consumer, excrete money and change their parts (cells) over lifetime. In some cases, they even multiply.

Tried to watch it. Wasn’t able to. Might have something to do with cultural backround lacking any refference to NASCAR.

This was actually the best movie he was in. Let him have it.

Actually, nobody dogfights anywhete near the speed of sound. Too much blood in the cockpit. But still good for movies. Even today. Really wish movie makers would go for accurate more thsn looks goods. But prolly in the minority.

That’s because planes are way sexier than cars that turn left.

My first car (e36) had its rear suspension. Dream of getting another one as a toy. This time with long roof and diesel.

Now don’t care for either of Koreas. Also, how is this possible in current online world? Meself come from post SU country. We don’t have much racial diversity, very little open sexual diversity, yet don’t give a rats ass about persons race, sex or prefferences. People are people. That’s it. Every nation, race, sex,