How about othervthings? Also, still condidet PETA a terrorist organization
How about othervthings? Also, still condidet PETA a terrorist organization
That’s what i said..
Confusing. In most cases its front subframe, rear subframe and body in between. Panels don’t count. Body takes most of the loads. In full tube, is there a stronger drive part?
Nah, no apologies needed. Thank you for information. Also, it’s like 1am here :)
Isn’t full tube frame an unibody? Understand that construction methods are different but the goal is the same. Or not?
Yeah. But urtechbros made it possible. Thought everybody called them ‘geeks’ back then.
Thing is, most peeps won’t buy manuals, at least not in US. In other parts they might buy coz it’s cheaper. Anyhow, none of us will be searching for them as used ones. Nice move but totally pointless.
Bet your ass it does.
Yeah.. imho pickup should at least be rwd biased.
Wow.. hold my unicorn.. Isn’t Baptist a religous organization beliveing that soul is not really cinnected ti body? Big step for them, if so.
Yes. Thank you.
Jelous a bit now. When EU picked up a pace, had a dream that it’ll be like USA, united country, diffetent states. Alas, it didn’t happen. Probably something with national identity and different languages. Also, we don’t have the driving culture as you. Wouldn’t jump in my car and drive to the event on the other side…
Ok. Another question: how are baja racers built, bof or unibody? Too lazy/rumed to google
Explain domething to an idiot here: how is honest to god body on frame truck better than unibody? Since unibody shiws higher rigidity and lower weight. Dunno about CoG thought.
Do you volunteer your self?
Yes, animal testing is necessary part of development. But there are people who (I personally) would put in harms way before animals. Also dolphins. They are assholes. Apparently, at least on Earth, higher intelligence comes with assholeness.
Not gonna tell you to kill yourself. Got a puppy on knees now. Also, totally agree about people unrecoverably dangerous to others.
Hey.. perfectly good burger..
Tech-bros are the ones who make your faceswap, dogface and bank account possible. Sure about them not being missed?
Uuu.. that could be the next mad max. Russians disembodied dogs and pluged them to life support. Only high tech part would be neural interface. Also, tech doesn’t disappear when society does.