Wolc *grammar nazis go f*** yourselves*

How old is this Mustang? Also, it’s like a marriage, from time to time you have to remind yourself why you chose this particular car (person).

But the old g3 still looks better.

I want the original g3. Long hood, short deck, looks like barely designed (thought probably really carefully). On the other hand, know that 20y from now will feel the same about this one. And worlds more for old design.

Missing wipers is probably the reason.

Agreed. It is better than TGT. And imho even better than old Top Gear. Less pickering, more fun.

Same here (minus introducing a person to tg). Favorit parts of the show were ‘how hard can it be’. Especially when they totally cocked up the camper challenge. And then on totally unrelated challenge got it right. And the shuttle thing was just epic. Also, it did fly. And would’ve been reusable if not faulty

Why would undrivable car have front facing front seats? Imho these things should be more like small sitting rooms with table, coach, bar and coffe.


How can i get my paws on that Vehicross?

Would preffer Falcon with some modifications

It is a bit disturbing. But after a while brain edits it out. If you’r using it every day, no problem whatsoever.

Reminds of something..

With front wing between fenders would preffer this one:

Off the line power is fine when you floor it.

Nope. That was Pontiac Rageous

My favorite wheels:

Accord is old news. Can’t even remember how many years back.

How much is it? Would by for hooning or for licence present for a kid. Hooning thought would be prefferable.

A Lab! Wait.. already have 2 slightly mad dogs. I’ll take the bees :)

I like it. Then again, I also like Sbarro cars.