Wolc *grammar nazis go f*** yourselves*

A Lab! Wait.. already have 2 slightly mad dogs. I’ll take the bees :)

I like it. Then again, I also like Sbarro cars.

No, not really. True, cars are safer and more powerful than ever. But traffic is killing all the fun.

My 36 had them too. But think they were aftermarket

We had a person assigned to every crosding with a barrier at ‘80s. Think it’s still so. Cross 2 of those every day.

They copied the wrong Nomad.

Cheaper production line.

Consuming power and highjacking computers are the first things wrong with them. But that’s apparently human way.

Not really. You’d have to fight for your life. Personal experience, medics were uncompetent. Had to tell them to get me to the hospidal ASAP because was pretty sure my appendix was about to burst. They started arguing on which side it is. Turned out I was correct.

Don’t think you can extend it in traffic

Wanted to suggest an rv. Thought my joice would’ve been a Vixen


Echolocation. Bats use it. And they fly.

Read it again. Sight didn’t evolve at all. Horses woukd be also blind.

Is it a proper offroader or a poser?

Just as stupid as curved tvs and vr. For the latter, give another 20 years. Current models are pretty good but still far from what we were promised in ‘90s

Just as stupid as curved tvs and vr. For the latter, give another 20 years. Current models are pretty good but still

Yeah, members of defined class of alcoholics should be treated differently. They should have their licence revoked for life.

Allright. Gimme your number. I’ll give you a call when I’m on delivery run and the neighborhood has no distingishable addresses.

Here’s the lesson for you all all season people: use proper tires. I summer, good summer tires, in winter, studded. It won’t be like in summer, but it’ll be a lot better than no traction mode.