Beemers are good in snow (and ice) if you have proper rubber. Also, that can be said about any car in any condition.
Beemers are good in snow (and ice) if you have proper rubber. Also, that can be said about any car in any condition.
Trust the Finns. Or any other company from cold regions. Also, if you expect ice, go for studs. Last 2 days abs kicks in even with braking at 20mph. And with studs. Also, once literally slided off the road on unstudded tires. Ice and road camber. Next day bought my first studded.
Didn’t have any til this morning.
Her rear axle looks kinda skimpy. Afraid it’ll break under torque
Same thing happened to my wife. Except we got lucky. Turned out one of our workers didn’t turned up the next day and we had to cover for him. Also, he still owns us a Queen concert.
About pizza, it’s like sex, even when it’s bad, it’s still good.
Aren’t most of padded cells beige?
Duh, ofcourse we watch videos without audio. They are shoved at our faces everywhere and most are really boring and annoying. Also, used to listen (not watch) sitcoms. Absolutely everything was told in dialogue. Could’ve just be radio plays.
Why did he do it anyway? His windshield was clear. Also, when doors were frozen, used to knock (beat) the frames with hand. Worked rather well.
Quantum entangelment? 3 dimensions at distance but forth still the same? Lightbarrier is not broken?
Dunno, my waze changed its voice to male 2 days ago at noon. Sounded bit weird in beginning but ok with it..
What about Jalopnik boost?
You can pay cash at self chekout in states? We can do it only with plastic.
Bmw e36 longroof. Pref 328 with manual. For delivery car. But prolly will be Golf (Rabbit) 4 or Polo. Or if I’m lucky, Suzuki Jimmy.
Cars with large rear hatces (especially bubblebacks) can all be converted into wagons with some work with fiberglass. Just saying..
At least the year is ending well. Here too btw. Don’t have my dream car yet (some sort of 3 wheeled camper) but I’ll get there someday...
Dunno. Slow car fast. Started driving on one like this:
To me it seems perverse to have whole drivetrain in front end of the car. Interestingly, perfectly ok when it’s in the other end.
I want that car..