Wolc *grammar nazis go f*** yourselves*

This is not millenial bashing. This should be about current policy of education in Europe (dunno about US).

Actually, that might be correct

Apparently police has gotten used to the new norm.

Don’t care. You’re irresponsible useless twats. Grammar is the least of the problems. Unless you got an ingrown toenail.

Car for RW driving? Toyota had this...

Nah, it’s the new generation. They never do anything wrong, it’s always somones/somethings others fault. We get those pouring out of highschools buy truckloads. Pretty much everyone...

Not really related, but maybe somewhat. Today, since not sleeping at all at night (dunno why), asked wife to drive us home. Kinda get the feeling, she made better time than I while staying at speed limit (while I’m bit of a hooligan). Can’t explain it. More research needed...

Actually, this is pretty much what we expected ‘2 years from now’ at 1998.

Hm. Could be. On closer look... back of the greenhouse looks a lot like older Škoda Superb

Jaguar XJ?

Kinda think would pay more for it not to happen.

yup. That’s my point.

Dunno. Not specialist but somewhere got that impression

Good question. Prolly folks at ithings didn’t think is through. Anyways. Someone should try this.

Actually, looks like it’s a ramone. Would like to get one

IR. It sees through facial hair. More questions, how it’ll do with facial fat.

It’s called ‘Loose Grip Under Influence’. Btw, it’s new ‘minority’ group. LGUI.

Ok. What if I get the phone when superfat/skinny and immidiatly go to diet to lose/gain weight? Will it recognize me after 2, 4, 6 weeks?

3 options, none of which will work fine:

24 minutes?! You do know tha our attention span is under 3?