A.T. Andabagof

Kinda like the Dems after they got what they wanted from the BLM cucks.

Don’t waste your time with TLJ. It sucked and she made it suckier.

You are just guessing because the lockdowns weren’t based on population density, dipshit.

They’re not real punk rockers if they care about health issues.

Her speech to the Naval Academy gradutes was just....dumb. She definitely likes to orate as if she is a pastor in a church. Enough already, get this bitch outta here.

Did he plan to address the creepy shit he said to that little girl the other day?

Poor little rich bitch can’t take talking to the media? Poor widdle baby. Fuck Off!

That’s because you’re a fucking idiot.

You’re as entertaining as a clown can be.

This is one of the biggest ‘But whatabout?’ bullshit arguments. Never gonna happen on a Federal level.

You would definitely feel it if that fat pig ran into you.

STFU Nappy!

You’e a fucking clown.

Go hide, pussy.

Was it about ‘hockeyballs’?

We are beyond that. It’s conspiracy fact now. Sleepy Joe killed the early investigation to spite Big Bad Orange Man. Now Grandpa Joe has egg on his admin for the umpteenth time. Not even six months into his farce of an administration and he’s got more shit piling up faster than you can say ‘Obama’s 3rd term!’