A.T. Andabagof

The Obama meal is a turd on a bun,  a small, cold, limp fries, watered-down unsweet tea and a Kool menthol.

No. Biden just has more money printed.

Somebody remind her that she plays in the WNBA. Better save that money while you got it, sweetheart.

What does this have to do with Biden putting children in cages?


Fucking yo mama, that’s where.

This is the ‘Whole Shabang’ prison recipe of pizza...

Shootings in Minneapolis are up 108% from 1 Jan. 2021 to the end of last week. Love what this has all lead to. The reimagining of crime.

I heard it was a mostly ‘peaceful’ shooting at George Floyd Square. Is looting part of the celebrations too?

It’s already over. No mask! No vax! I’m headin’ to AMC!

Way to dog whistle to the ‘cancel culture’.

Actually, people got ‘woke’ to what BLM was all about. Fuck ‘em both.

If he’s a Howard Zinn wannabe like your dumb ass, no thanks!

Remember way back when saying that the COVID-19 virus had come from a lab in Wuhan was crazy sounding? What are all of these ‘experts’ saying now? The same shit Big Bad Orange Man did early on, but because he said it, it’s a conspiracy theory. Well now it’s looking like conspiracy fact.

She loves her some taxpayer funded personal protection details that are fully strapped. Oh the hypocrisy.

Funny how much they cry for gun control, but they love their taxpayer-funded, gun strapped, personal protection detail, don’t they?

actually people are seeing through the bullshit and calling them on it.

yeah, cancel muslim culture...