A.T. Andabagof

and come up with more bullshit similar to 1619

YEAH! MORE ‘Cancel Culture’! Woke gonna choke! Get Woke, Go Broke! That’ll show ‘em!

Give her a full ride the fuck out of town! LMAO!

Because everything she made up is bullshit.

And it still won’t stick! He’s Teflon Don!

all three of them?

When they attempt to run a law enforcement official over, then deadly force can be used. You’re welcome.

He sucks. Too bad he didn’t die instead of his first wife.

He tried to run over a cop. Cops shot him dead. Film at 11. End of story.

Fuck Gaza and Hamas.

This is just dumb...and Patton Oswalt sucks.

Review: Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Flick Goes Up in Flames

AT&T has been looking to dump CNN for a while, but no one wants to touch that turd with a 10 ft. pole. 

Not even Rebel?