and come up with more bullshit similar to 1619
YEAH! MORE ‘Cancel Culture’! Woke gonna choke! Get Woke, Go Broke! That’ll show ‘em!
Give her a full ride the fuck out of town! LMAO!
Because everything she made up is bullshit.
all three of them?
When they attempt to run a law enforcement official over, then deadly force can be used. You’re welcome.
He sucks. Too bad he didn’t die instead of his first wife.
He tried to run over a cop. Cops shot him dead. Film at 11. End of story.
Fuck Gaza and Hamas.
This is just dumb...and Patton Oswalt sucks.
AT&T has been looking to dump CNN for a while, but no one wants to touch that turd with a 10 ft. pole.