I guess that bail-relief shit works.
I guess that bail-relief shit works.
Fuck Colbert. He can go die in a fiery plane crash like his other relatives.
Downplay it as ‘white fragility’ all you want, it’s still good to see that bullshit CRT is not a widely accepted curriculum.
AOC is the biggest dumbass since the staff at The Root.
Confront a black person with facts and you’ve never seen someone act dumber.
With all that shuckin’ and jivin’ she has to do to cover for Baindead Joe, she’s ready to get the F.O.O.D. Too bad the mainstream media shitheads didn’t hold her to the same standards they did for Spicer and Huckabee.
So it does pay to be a lab rat?
Kaepernick is good at two things: Throwing interceptions and extortion. No one wants his bullshit and he’s happy to get paid not to play.
That fact that it’s being touted as a real basis for teaching U.S. history is why it’s so fucking stupid. I guess that’s why you buy into it, fucktard.
The Code is code for the U.S. Constitution. Netflix’s hamhanded SJW candy coating.
Don’t waste your time watching it. Read the series first. It will take less time.
Just finished binging the whole show. Other than the title and the characters, I don’t know what I just watched that has anything to do with the comics. Granted, I’ve only read Jupiter’s Legacy Vol. I and Jupiter’s Circle Vol. I & II so far.
I didn’t as I think that no one else did. That’s because you don’t write anything original. It’s all based on others’ articles. The only scoop was the scoop of shit that made it from your feeble brain, though the keyboard and onto this site.
Wow, They really hurt your feelings didn’t they?
But being in a James Gunn pedophile pic is not preferable.
Sounds like you know from experience, MC Pee Pants.
No more than blapipo.
Spoken like a real turd. You are a piece of shit.
Raimi had better costume/make-up but the Sony producers wanted that shit. Check it on YouTube.