A.T. Andabagof

They’ll get their rights back. Go ask TBS/TNT about Star Wars. Yes it’s different than TV rights but a lot of money.

Pluto is free and better than that shit.

Now playing

And here’s why the verdict is goung to be over tuned....

You are the dumbest piece of shit on here since the last time you posted.

They already restricted men and women’s control of their bodies.

How did you get so fucking stupid?

Nope. Just when someone is about to be railroaded into the courts for doing their job.

She was quoted as saying,”IlliniMike sucks tranny dicks.’.

No. That would not help the racial police narrative.

Dumbass realized finally that he needs to STFU and play B ball. That’s all these Chinese want to see anyway.

That goes right along with the made up shit in the 1619 Project.

Yeah but in the end the little pussy couldn’t take it and he took the coward’s way out.

Uhhh....HBCUs can’t recruit potential NBA-level talent?

Dude would take his side piece on vacay. Ex-GF? Really? Sounds like she never left, just the concubine.

This is the guy that people listen to. They eat up his bullshit and beg for seconds. The Woke gonna choke.

Cut to...

Disney is so uber-Woke now.

On this thread, there’s no need for intelligent insults. The reading level is sub-H.S.

He still answered ‘NO’ on the form. He lied. So sorry. Conviction thrown out. Let’s start over. HAHAHAHAHAHA! LMAO!

Facebook Seals the Deal on Getting Broken Up and Regulated