A.T. Andabagof

I have 3 questions:

First of all, its not just Republicans who oppose this pseudointellectual nonsense. Second, we oppose it because it is pure sophistry and entirely racist. It “otherizes” white people and blames “whiteness” for every ill and problem in the world. It reduces every individual down to their race, skin color, and gender.

hi bitch.

hey cunt

You know that people living now didn’t create America right? I didn’t trade anything for anything. Are only black people allowed to complain about our current state of affairs? Only black people’s feelings count? You know, there is a thin line between satire/sarcasm and straight up being a pompous douchebag and you

Everyone should watch Detroiters in the meantime. 

If the white elite of Saint Louis were serious about repudiation racism and their past, they would retire the whole Veiled Prohphet thing and work up a new ball.

You are not a good person.

I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:

because we all know that the apology story always gets as much traction as the smear, especially on a shitty website as this. 

I was surprised by the other article and it’s invertebrate analysis of this ‘controversy’; Sam Barsanti is a different story, his idiotic ramblings are just his version of professional blogging. He’s got the editorial talent of a goat.

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Ooh, these seem easy. I want to do one! How about:

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

G/O Media Inc’s websites have really been struggling with generating content since Trump got kicked out of office.

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s

God damn I hate lena dunham.

My brother's friend in school said if you use "Mmmkay" on Christmas, the Xbox logo turns in to a piece of shit

Same... I don’t recognize what I watched as related to the comic. I am going to go back and re-read the books, but I am kinda mystified by what was presented on the show.