
“That’s why I’m trying to wait for the Miami Beach Police Department to figure it out for me,”

This was so hard to watch.

this wrong. 50% of Black people are middle class.Stop believing negative stereotypes about our people.

Let he who has not reviewed colleagues’ dick pics at work cast the first stone...

“I mean how are white people even mad that she’s playing an alien, that’s orange?

You’re right. Regardless of their credit score, being able to pay should have never been a factor in those paramedics doing their jobs.

right?  this had to be straight up racism.  and it’s disgusting.  Fired and charged with negligent homicide should be the punishment, at the least.  this is heartbreaking.

Yeah but these medics bigoted beliefs are being reinforced the Bigot and Chief. They didn’t think she was human and worthy of their time. This poor woman and her poor family.

Fired!?  They should be charged with manslaughter if it can be proved their negligence led to her death. 

Crystle Galloway, were told they couldn’t afford the ambulance ride because they didn’t have insurance.

“They were placed on paid administrative leave on Friday”

Hell, Dump just announced a twenty billion dollar subsidy program to support the farmers he just fucking kneecapped with his little trade war. He’s doing it under the CCC, Commodity Credit Corporation, set up by Franklin “New Deal” Roosevelt in 1933!

Ike and Nixon?! Those commie bastards!1!1!

And I don’t want my grandkids growing up in a theocratic totalitarian corporate fascist dystopian industrial wasteland police state. So... where do we go from here?

5 years for assaulting a black woman in the head with a hammer and then raping her and exposing her to HIV.

Racism and Racists makes no sense but they still breathe.

Hah, one time at a job I worked at an Iraqi co-worker who would get physical with customers he wanted to leave. Always black customers. Somehow, amazingly their ID’s were always the ones that didn’t look right to him. He was cool with the black regulars and everyone else, super overly polite even, but anyone new who

This is awesome! I’m tired of people taking advantage of our communities and acting like they’re doing a favor by being there and/or treating us like trash because they feel that we don’t have other options and have to deal with them or else.

She cannot even enjoy hot dogs anymore.

I hope this ruined Permit Patty’s whole month.