Nah but your ignorance is immature and fresh. So take comfort in that.
Nah but your ignorance is immature and fresh. So take comfort in that.
... attractiveness is a matter of opinion and in mine she is ugly. Both inside and out.
These ugly Beckys are a pain in the ass. The NERVE. What's he supposed to do? Whisper and kiss her hand while she yells at him--and his dog? God forbid he yells back right? And the police should have cited her. Such bs. I betcha if said black-man offered to hump her she would've been more than happy to oblige. Meth…
Yep, this book is a classic: next to Roots, it may be the most powerful black-literary work that led to a major movie in US history. Then add The Color Purple, in terms of rawness and influence. I read The Autobiography of Malcolm X when I was 16 years old: in 1990, when I was newly pro-black and outspoken about…
LMAO @ "Maverickess McCain". Perfect. Bottom line is mind yo damn business! When something really is amiss or criminal, people like these never say a word. Or they 'don't want to get involved'. But superficial, gossipy, RACIST-ish: they jump in with both feet. Tfoh
Woo chile I would easily be charged with assault for whipping this 'teacher' and her friend's asses!! TF??!?!?!? How warped are you to invite someone into a school to beat someone ELSE'S child--and what kind of asshat actually DOES IT??? Like wtf is wrong with people? If this happened to my kid I would seriously snap.…
Niiiice. I will definitely be on the lookout for her products.
...where did I say that YOU couldn’t have an opinion? Clearly I know that I can, and I WILL: nor do I need to meet your imaginary standards or agree with you to do so. Clearly I know what kind of content is posted on—since I’m here just like you are. Don’t give yourself too much credit. If YOU can’t tolerat…
While I agree that Mariah seems to be a bit strange, I don’t think she’s as narcissistic or weird as people make her out to be. We rarely see celebrities chilling or relaxing because paparazzi follows them everywhere they go: and that includes on so-called vacations. It’s definitely not right to talk about anybody’s…
SMH how much more proof of a cover-up is needed? I mean... either the judge is shady and fearful of being outed herself...or she took a payoff or she and her family were threatened—because this is just insanity. And she had the nerve to insult the prosecutor’s case. If their case was THAT weak it probably wouldn’t have…
That is my point exactly. While he was DEAD wrong for closed-fist punching her like that, kids--all kids, need to stay in their lane. Many of them are disrespectful: and having an encouraging mob or clique nearby only emboldens them. She was wrong. Now-did her actions warrant his response? No! But we cannot ignore the…
Damn right. No non-racist's mind even considers spewing typical-stereotypical bs about chicken and watermelon. Such terms are placed in a racist asshat's psyche-reserves, to be drawn from when they deem them necessary. Fuck him. Hard 'f'.
LMAOOOOOOOO this WHOLE article made my day. Whypipo really DO have a thang for No Diggity. I was waiting for you to reference the white guy who bootleg-karaoke’d it in Atlanta’s airport a while ago, at a Southwest gate. It was comical but this other bullsh— is just offensive. Leave some
A fucking heartless disgrace. Meth addicts and drunk drivers are often released after 'sleeping it off' and don't pay a dime. Ugh!!!!!!!!
I go through this alot. ALOT-at the bank and in general. Ppl always ASSume that I must need to make extra money (cuz I often work from hme) or that I can relate to their no-frills/store-brand shopping tendencies because...well I'm a single black woma so I must be struggling right? RIGHT? Well-nah bruh, sis. I worked…
LOL we didn’t need her thanks...Mrs Obama just spoke about what happened. She didn’t make it seem like Prince was her bish, or like she paid out of pocket for him—like the current asshat-president would have. What did she say that made you even mention taxes. BTW, where are Prez Orangina’s taxes???? is her sexual orientation, ASSuming that the victim is gay, any of his business? SMH so basically he’s the tall black male equivalent of BBQ Becky. Mind your business!
I don’t blame him. For years people have blamed him for Whitney Houston’s demise and made assumptions about his parenting, or lack thereof. If these movies and books are slandering him and using his likeness or protected materials to make a buck he should sue. Damn right.
I see that some of these comments are chiding her for her choice of words and in a way, are trying to validate what she said by explaining that there is a very real pay disparity. Well, my issue with it is that no one was talking about pay or what someone’s earnings. The issue was diversity and Ellen Pompeo discussed…
LOL. Not. Anymore.