
1, I remember that. 2, Mariah has been more authentic about who she is since then, and 3-is there more than one Oprah? LOL no need to clarify.

LOL they think they OWN people whose work they're fans of. No Boo. Mariah is bi/tri-racial/mixed, whatever else you want to call her, as an individual. AND her ex-husband/kids' father is black, her favorite producer is black, she tours with other black artists, and her kids, though mixed, will likely see themselves as

Funny thing: the teacher is obviously a clueless idiot who failed to bring his student's racist, attention seeking-asshat-ish behavior to a screeching halt. But if a black kid wears a BLM tee or refuses to stand for the anthem all hell breaks loose. Ok.

Damn right Ursh is a legend. Nuff said. 

No, as a minority, a double whammy, as a black woman, I don’t speak in generalities. We don’t want to say ALL cops are bad because they aren’t. By that same logic, it’s acceptable for racists to ASSume that ALL blacks are lazy or don’t work... and let’s not forget about the ALL Lives Matter bs movement, meant to

Sue that pale mf and his conspirator-partner, who KNEW that car was clean. The best way to curb crooked cops is to call out the ones who think they’re who willfully ignore the CRIMINAL bs their brethren do.

I suppose the woman was in shock...I on the other hand woulda set it off. WTF does her teeth or her gap have to do with him being a Grade A asshat-racist???

Gabby's NY&Co line started off strong--and has only gotten better. I have a a few pieces from her last two campaigns. I'd resolved not to buy anything else but perhaps I shall reconsider...

Love Sade. Glad she's coming out with something new,

I wish them well--but I don't feel good about this. I have to wonder if he's in it for the fame/association to the spotlight thanks to her Destiny's Child roots. We shall see.


I was just about to say that he looked like a *POC* too...

Alllllllll the cameras in NYC and he hasn't been caught yet? Ok let's see who the bitch will be then. Racist, cowardly mf. The NERVE of these racist bastards. They're so ANGRY at us but WE'RE the ones who catch all the hell! SOB-I hope he's caught and imprisoned with a brutal ass BROTHA who'll exact revenge on behalf

God bless this woman. I remember how hard she cried and how much she shrieked--despite trying hard not to-during her victim impact statement in court. I'm so glad that the pos who killed her son is in prison--unlike many of his racist, trigger happy counterparts. I wish her much success in her new role serving her

**Theoretically**, because the teacher IS a teacher, an older adult, was in the process of performing job duties—we know that this was wrong. HOWEVER, ol school finger-pointing moment here: that obnoxious, belligerent, disrespectful ass kid deserved EVERY BIT of that ass-whoopin. By his teacher. Right then. In front

I will be going after work. Cannot WAIT to pull that lever. I haven't been this excited about voting since 2008--though for very different reasons. This IS life or death (for non-racist people, especially minorities and women). I am riding the blue wave-not because it's perfect but because it's far more realistic,

Pure comedy LOL

...patiently waiting for an update that says that basic becky and her racist pov were bounced outta that HBCU on her non-existent hind-parts...

Well said, and very true. Add the ASSumption by many whyte people that they know everything. Just, by osmosis and being white they automatically know everything--about everything. So if they don't know about it, didn't see it or orchestrate it--and 'it' is racism, discrimination, and everything else--then it's a lie,

As I read more and more of this, I sadly recalled the OTHER incident like this. But we haven’t heard anymore about it cuz I’m pretty sure they had to pay a pretty penny to THAT black Dr to make that go away. But alas, a new discriminatory screw up. Delta best open it’s proverbial checkbook again. Oh—and stop hiring obn