
Shit, not only did Trayvon’s stalker/murderer get off scot free, but that poor dead boy was put on trial for his own fucking murder.

Be careful he gonna call the cops because your hurt his feelings extra forcefully.

It is not possible to foul his ass enough after this. I hope the next time he is at the store buying an avocado, someone elbows him onto his ass and takes the fruit.

Hey honey, how about we...

At home tonight:

(3) He has absolutely zero shame about rejoining the game afterwards.

He’s from Crackastan. 

This is Platonic levels of white entitlement:

Excuse you bitch, but I am not going to pretend that this country does not shit on its Black citizens and while it doesn’t have any love for brown ones either it most certainly will abide by a brown person before it does a Black one.

The best part is knowing Beckzilla’s gonna read both the Clapback and your comment.

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt there for awhile, but yeah, that letter took turns. She shoulda just stopped.

That first letter was her better nature holding the becky back and then better nature clocked out and went home and Becky put on her Uggs and went buck wild. What a rollercoaster ride.

Ok Liah, now imagine going through all those things as a burdensome minority instead of a white woman who everyone sees as redeemable and worth expending effort on. Instead of going to college, you dropped out at 16 because your school had suspended you for ‘poor behavior’ starting in kindergarten and none of your

She was trying so hard, too. Even past all of the cringeworthy missteps and obvious red flags, I got this sense that she really wanted to elevate herself above and beyond the telling biases holding her back......

Liah’s first letter tried... then she took a Beckybreak and came back fully Becked out and gave it her best Becky and Beck’d on down the road.

Uh, no, what I want is for the criminal (in)justice system to go after white people with the same fervor they go after Black people.

He’s driving that Troll-Semi right through this comment section and everyone seems to be getting on board.

It’s not whataboutism to point out the difference in how the criminal (in)justice system works depending on who the defendant is. That’s the goddamn point you keep fucking missing time after time after time after time.

It’s one of the greatest mediocre movies in the African-American Cinematic Theater canon. 

So they arrested, booked & charged this black woman faster than any white man that did the same thing or police officer that shot an unarmed person of color. Yeah this uh kinda smells to me but hey we love immigrants right?