
Thank you, since I’ve been reading this site I have felt much more comfortable calling it out because I have found a solid voice to do it with, because I understand what exactly privilege does for me, the better I understand it the better I can speak out against those who deny or abuse it. The day this happened I

Beautiful little truth bomb you just threw there.

Wing pool. Elgin, Illinois. Early 1980s. Some violent racial incidents were happening on a pretty regular basis there when I was a teenager. I wonder if it’s reverting back to that sort of shit now that Trumpism is smearing orange feces of overt racism across the land.

Her day off was for policing. But her racism is a full time job. 

They make you swim a lap while the gang stands along the lane and pees as you go by. They call it a lemon party.

Number one: your name checks out. (lol)

There is a long history of racism that has centered around our nation’s swimming pools. I was thinking about it yesterday (Rouge Park Pools in Detroit, y’all) and then Vox put up this story today:

Okay, I have to comment again. Because I need to know.

And since she’s playing cop, let’s call it an illegal search and seizure.

“Holland showed the woman his key fob, which he used to enter the pool area, and she grabbed it from his hand.”

Ok, I’m gonna need some names. I want some jobs lost here.

When a black man’s back up is Richie Incognito,

So Papa John lost his PR firm, and the PR firm had to lay off staff. So pretty much a lose-lose, which is also how I would describe paying for Papa John’s shitty pizza.

I just had to Google an image of the man to put a face to the Fukkery. Lord please save us

The cops who see you might as well yell this the moment they see you with

Maybe a little surprised: I read comic books as a kid (and sometimes still do) and there are supervillians less overt than this Combover Caligula. And people still voted for him! I should’ve voted for the Meteor to end all this shit.

Of course, but there’s also a tendency for the wealthy to be very generous with their immediate circle because they can afford it after being miserly bastards in every other regard. Give the maid a fat Christmas bonus because you successfully raided your company’s pensions that year. Trump is just such a infamous

BTW, keep suing his ass. Anyone who has any beef, sue his ass. Bury this motherfucker’s lawyers in lawsuits. Where this asshole down. Every stripper, every escort, every piano salesman, everybody sue him until he wish he’d never been elected president.

The Driver probably also knows where Trump went and whom he was going there to see. I wonder who else would like to know those things. Probably rhymes with ‘cruller’ (haven’t had breakfast yet, sorry).

“Yeah, we know how Trumps treats people”--The Central Park Five