
I live in memphis and helped make the white chick famous for finding her profile and her job’s corporate number. What folks don’t realize is this: this is why blacks are mad...

Maybe this is why people think black folk can't swim; because every damn time we try someone calls the cops on us. And STFU about "eww, he had socks on". Do you really think the people themselves or their swimsuits are any cleaner (more importantly, do you honestly think EVERYONE gets out of the pool to pee?) 

When the officer (who was black) showed up, it seemed as though Walker didn’t have much to say:”

I bet when she saw the officer was black she was SHOOK. No playing the victim honey, use your big girl words and be extra polite.

Thank you, Ms Callahan, for writing this and to The Root in general for constantly calling out all the “while black” police calls in recent years. These racist aggregations need to be exposed. One of the more tragic things about this incident is the fact that there is a child (an adorable one, at that) simply swimming

When the officer (who was black) showed up, it seemed as though Walker didn’t have much to say:

I cannot believe (*sigh* yes I can) that people are fixated on, “but did he wear socks IN the pool?” as opposed the fact that the (thankfully fired) apartment manager is a blatant racist.

Amy Schumer, come get your racist sister.

No, it would be awesome if the cops enforced the damned law and arrested the white man for filing a false 911 report.

Looking at the fine specimens of cops who made the grade in my town I have to ask. They turn people down???  

I’m with you because I would not have tried to prove SHZT.  Fuck Pool Patrol Patrick! I would literally have sat there and continued to mind my own fucking business.  Fuck these white people, man!

I respectfully disagree. This guy was almost certainly a bully in school. He grew out of using physical violence to bully people and now finds other means to do it, probably especially to people of color. Calling the police is an easy way to be a bully since it transfers any potential direct conflict to the responding

I think I would have asked to cop “who is this gentleman that I have to show my ID to him at all? Is he neighborhood security? Is he the pool manager? Officer, what gives him the right to ask for any form of identification at all? Who is he? I will show him my ID when he gives me proof that he is a person that

Police could end this bullshit real simple, by charging these motherfuckers with making a false call. Simple AF but they won’t do it because they know that jails would be filled with white folks by the end of the month.

He hurried up and took that shit down...like it never existed.

lol. “value realization leader.” what a fucking asshat.

I don’t understand how people keep doing this and not think about it might ruin their lives.

I’ve always said that Black America needs to stand up for our history and stop letting fools like them daffy AF Canucks run amuck with our painful past and not be nice about it either.

White people think they own everything. Including our pain, suffering, torture, rape, and subjugation.