Probably should have fired him after the first one because generally speaking if white people say it once they’ll probably say it again.
Probably should have fired him after the first one because generally speaking if white people say it once they’ll probably say it again.
“But his descriptive use of the N-word on at least two occasions...”
Why do all the racist Beckies look exactly the fuck alike. I swear I thought that was Tanya Lasanga from Fox.
“mixed” means part human and part...him
Same for my soon-to-be five year old grandson.
The part that also disgusts me with this story is that the shitbag cop had just been sworn in to the position hours before he shot and killed an unarmed black teenager. It’s like this piece of garbage was itching to murder a black man way before even thinking of becoming a pig with a badge.
Lord have mercy.
When I see him, I see all the young men I will meet this summer at The Conclave for Omega Psi Phi and hope that they don’t end up as statistics due to a cop with an itchy trigger finger. For years my mother used to tell me, you have no idea the fear that lives in me when you leave this house. Mind you I grew up in a…
My nephew is only 5, and I can’t not see him whenever something like this happens. It’s been that way since he was born.
I wish my people were better. Your writing and your voice have taught me a lot. Mainly, it is the responsibility of white people to hold other white people and institutions (police, schools) responsible. White people are wholly responsible for the conditions in this country. I am so sorry for your loss. I only promise…
“I volunteered to go to the border and shoot people at the lowest period of their lives because AMERICA. What’s the big deal?”
“I don’t know why he just doesn’t bring that cheap-ass Confederate flag ho on stage, hug her and just leave me TF out of it.”
I don’t have the time or inclination watch all these award shows, so I appreciate you guys for giving me the best moments. I’m so happy for all the “Black Panther” love. I do wish some of the women of BP could have attended, but I know they are all busy. The best part of the show was Chadwick Boseman giving James Shaw…
Thank you for your comment. This is the exact sympathy they playing off of. “They are using the kids to get sympathy” I been saying for years here in el paso!!! Used our own sympathy for kids against us. The mother isn’t much of a mother at all. She is the one responsible for this child. Smh...politics and emotions.…
Authorities believe that Nunez could have had more victims, and are asking that anyone with information contact the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office.
In her defense, she is pretty courageous sporting that haircut and those eyebrows like that.
She looks like a giant redheaded Gremlin.
I’ll wait for someone who is actually funny to criticize a comedian and then I’ll pay some attention.
Did Terrell run over your dog or something?