
No direspect to you, KC, but there should be 100, 150+ comments saying this already. The fact that you stand alone in reporting this common knowledge indictment speaks well of you, but terribly of the Commentariat.

So, now if we meet up with one of our childhood friends that we haven’t seen in years on the street while both wearing black with police witnessing the encounter, it may get you arrested and groped because you both look like suspects?

You said everything I was thinking.

This right here. The racist shitbags of the world will never be mollified by the moral behavior of good people. They actually use the morality of others as a weapon against them. There is nothing she can do that will change that asshole. Call a racist a racist and shame them all.

She’s trying to be reasonable and respectable. That mindset will doom everyone, because being reasonable, respectable, and being “good” serve only the oppressor. It is depressing how many people still have the need to be that as internalized self-hate.

I know. It’s strange and very sad.

What the hell is going on.

“He has a lot going on in his personal life. In the heat of the moment he let his emotions get the better of him.” Few things scream ‘domestic abuser’ like that sentence there. If the ‘personal life’ issue is his girlfriend finally leaving his violent azz, good for her! And Washington is showing a lot of class, but

For her part, Washington told KGW TV that she’s ready to forgive El Masry, saying she doesn’t him to pay a huge price over a “temporary moment.”

One of the things I think people don’t understand about how bogged down and crazy our current immigration system is that they assume if an immigrant marries a U.S citizen, they automatically get U.S citizenship. It’s always been bullshit but that’s the way a lot of (white) people think.

What is “sensitive” about calling out someone about posting racist bullshit?

to an innocent little baby, no less? going to school to get a fucking education and this is how the “teacher” views this child? smh.

This child’s hair is unkempt, but you sound like the person who goes on and on about “Welfare Queens” buying steak, shrimp, and lobster with “our” money.

Messy hair is not the same as neglect. All photo evidence from my childhood indicates that I had perpetually messy hair despite my mother’s attempts to braid it every morning. Furthermore, if a teacher has reason to suspect REAL neglect (not just the casually racist assumptions where people equate every imperfection

Are you sure you’re a teacher? I’m also not convinced you’re of color either, but that’s for another day.

This is fucking disgusting. I’m at a loss for words. How can certain people be so terrible?

This comment most likely won’t be popular but.....we’re becoming to sensitive...as a teacher I can tell you first hand how disgusted I am seeing children coming to school looking unkeeped but the mothers have their flawless weaves, not a chip on the nails and quick to flask their MK bag. The fact that she was white

Wypipo. Wypipo. WHY PIPO? WHY? The mocking of any student especially primary students is just mind blowing. This “teacher” will certainly never teach again in Ontario as her membership registration with the college of teachers will be revoked. She’ll probably head south to FLA, NC, WV, KY, GA, etc. and be

This reminds me of a melee that took place in Arizona where there was a church group in a Walmart parking lot (of course) and someone took a gun off of ancop and not a solitary person ended up dead. Truly fucking amazing.

Why jail when they can be laying down concrete to pay for the damages from unnecessary mental distress to this guy.