
Termination followed by jail time for each officer involved in the assault, you mean.

I was a public defender in NYC for over 10 years.

This makes my blood boil. (Saying to myself over and over to remind myself: Romans 12:19, Romans 12:19...)

THIS BITCH. I mean, really.

Unreal. I hope your work is the beginning of her end.

In what context is it okay for a group of armed men to brutally assault a man who posed no threat, then continue to torture him by kneeling on pressure points while handcuffing him and covering his head, and then carry him in a manner which guarantees more stress on his joints, as if he were a piece of garbage they

I live literally within 1 block away from this McDonald’s. I found out about the jacking a few hours later, when my brother told me. Apparently I we know the family. And last I heard, kid’s doing ok considering everything he’s gone through.

I don’t say this lightly, they need to put this guy in protective custody. There is NO WAY he doesn’t get tested in gen-pop.

My fave is that out of this ‘simple’ car theft is that because the boy was in the car, he faces much, much serious court charges. Instead of facing a jail term of a few months, our Mr. Asberry is facing a term of years. Best to start to rethink your life choices here, bucko.

“You’re just trying to protect your family.” From what? 

Maybe Southwest should stop hiring racists and assholes? Just my first thought on it.

It is ironic that Sara Gilbert, whom portrays Darlene Conner in the show is the executive producer of the show, and is lesbian, married to Linda Perry, a mixed race woman.

Honestly I don’t sympathize with her cast mates at all. Roseanne Barr has been a garbage human being for years. With the exception of the children on that show, they all knew they were selling their souls for some easy nostalgia money. F*ck all of them.

I actually mean all of that as a complement. I’m a fan of pettiness. A self-avowed Petty Tendergrass. I think he’s bored because he has no peers. I think many rappers need proper motivation to truly bring out the best in themselves. See Ice Cube and Eminem.

ABC squashed that shit like Delbert the Exterminator in Arachnophobia.... MAN, I really like me some John Goodman.

I think my biggest thing is, as the father of a 4 mo old baby, how does Drake have this much energy?

John Goodman doesn’t need this check. That might be among the most disappointing things to me, is that Goodman — an excellent actor with a respected body of work, including the original version of this sitcom — is okay with being a part of this.

Jemele Hill of ESPN publicly reprimanded and suspended by ABC/Disney for speaking out on Dump on Twitter. Black-ish forced to cancel an episode that dealt with racial injustice and the First Amendment right to protest, and this RACIST WHITE WOMAN gets a reboot of her ABC show and gets renewed because she spews the

I bet the odds are very good that cashier also uses WIC to make ends meet and we are seeing an epic case of projection here.