I agree this is not right. Have you heard why he said the whole slavery remark? He said over 400 years, mathematically look at it. Coded message that no one got.
I agree this is not right. Have you heard why he said the whole slavery remark? He said over 400 years, mathematically look at it. Coded message that no one got.
I see Kanye’s “let’s piss off the black folks” schtick has now extended to “let’s piss off everyone else and achieve Level 10 Asshole status”.
I don’t think he wants compassion or understanding, he just wants people to stroke his ego while thinking everyone is beneath him.
After all the recent shenanigans, I believe Kanye can go full Trump, shoot a little black girl, and his fans would still make excuses for him.
For me, other than they obvious poor taste and shocking lack of compassion, the $85,000 question is exactly who got paid for the use of this photo? As it doesn’t have Houston’s image in it I imagine that may not be the estate of Whitney Houston, and I’m not sure who would have been photographing that bathroom other…
It’s sad that people are just now finding out Kanye has always been a complete and utter piece of dogshit. Of course, Kim will conjure up some more bullshit to feed to her idiot followers.
Does anyone have a photo of Donda West in patient clothes or examination room?
Who does that!? I’m completely done with Kanye. There is no reason for this. The music must suck if he had to sink to this. And who the hell buys music based on the cover art these days? This was done only for the publicity that he knows it will get.
It’s ALWAYS one of these drunk-uncle-looking slags...
We’re in the day and age where every asshole can quote free speech without realizing what the fuck it actually covers, or if it even applies to their bullshit. Just look at every time some game site or forum bans racist psychos, the idiots pop up and moan about their free speech rights, once again, without knowing…
Putting a smile on my face with your early morning reporting. Glad this fucking dude got his. Hopefully the Manhattan attorney gets similar charges.
For all the jackass mofos looking to ride in and defend his right to “free speech,” two things.
BTW, is The Root going to talk about this bullshit (“Obama Sucks as a Post-President”) later today? I remember Nolan back in the Gawker days, and this is even shitty for him. The Root needs to drag his ass for this. Like, we’ve got a democracy teetering on the edge, and these mostly white and mostly male liberals have…
For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would lie about this kind of thing.
“It should be noted that the [internal affairs] was initiated only hours after the incident occurred before any media attention, social media posts or even a formal complaint from the individual involved.”
I’ve never understood why simpletons make claims that can be dis-proven by video...
He’s going to be tweeting tonight given Bannon came out with this arse-licking shite.
I’m pissed. She makes things worse for those who have been victimized and done wrong. She should be ashamed of herself, kick rocks, Sherita.
“I know how she is, that’s why I’m asking.”—Sherita’s boyfriend
Goddamit, Sherita.