
Qualls was the one who got out of his car threatening the woman saying, “I am going to beat your ass nigger bitch,” according to the report.

Man, they’re toddler clothes are cute and cheap and when you’re paying 1200 a month on childcare it is very very tempting to say “fuckit IM BUYING SOME SHIT IN THERE”

OF COURSE one of her children is named Jaxson.

Thank you so much. Yep, there was no way that I was going to accept some back room apology. You want to be loud and wrong? Well, keep that same energy when it’s time to be held accountable.

When I was in junior high/high school, a teacher pulled me aside to discuss why I didn’t stand during the pledge. He mentioned something about soldiers or some shit; I told him that my father is a Vietnam vet who was drafted along with half of his Black neighborhood, including mentally disabled people, and he had no

Being white passing and profiting off the justice system is like getting into a bar with a fake ID. Your friends won’t save you so if you get caught up, it’s your own damn fault.

“Pappyshow”? Did you really say “pappyshow”? OMG, I almost hit my forehead against the desk! I can’t believe someone at theRoot actually wrote down “pappyshow’.. I’m in heaven! Thank you Breanna Edwards! lol

Just a big fan of karma, here. This makes my Friday. Thanks!

“The shitters are getting bolder” is a phrase I never thought would pass through my mind, yet here we are.

It’s a photo from a wedding I was in.

I quit the internet forever. Goodbye.

Run a trap house out of a house I gave you and best believe you will never own it.

Why...was this person “inspecting” her property and looking in her fucking closet?

Think about her future...you can’t expel the...*checks notes*...40 something woman with a law degree and various other degrees....uh....fuck it, expel her, she’s had enough school, and I think school has had enough of her.

When you call the cops, they have to follow the minimum protocol. The cops did not follow this girl around or randomly pull her aside for her ID. They were CALLED to the scene.

The fact that white people look at this scenario and think the cops did the right thing by checking this woman’s papers is the actual entire problem.

To be fair, Yale university police did follow protocol and checked ID. Given our current environment with shootings, that is justified.

It’s too damn early in the morning for that picture.

Straight Outta Compensation