

I want trump to get shoed...

I would pay a LOT of good money to watch W punch Trump. When evil fights evil everyone wins!

“...the dreaded “Menthos-Bandit” was thinking to himself: “I am not black and only kinda-sorta brown so this is not supposed to be happening to me”. Maybe there was a little bit of a thought that this shouldn’t be happening to ANYBODY but I definitely detected a little bit of non-black surprise.”

Remember people the Nazi last names of 2018.

He’ll get a crash course on race when he goes to prison.

This sorta stuff never ceases to amaze me. Like they have to know on some level how white people feel about them but apparently there’s still enough of an incentive to be prejudiced as well. That’ll be the day I’m content with only being valued as a subordinate instead of an equal.

After they tell you the house is on contract, and you still see it on the market weeks later, you have to make another email appointment under a different name so you can go right back and look the lying ass agent in the eye. It’s petty as hell but the enjoyment of watching them squirm will be worth it.

I am happy things like this are finally hitting the news.

Well, racism isn’t the deal breaker for me. If that was the case, I wouldn’t live in America.”

Kanye: “I didn’t want ya’ll calling me fat”

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

Yes!!!!!! I love this! It’s an incredible song, my fave on the album. Her part of the song makes it so much more powerful. Wonderful news.

Now playing

He got a general discharge? Welp. I’d ask why it wasn’t dishonorable if he was outed wielding a tiki torch in Charlottesville, but of course there is also part of me who already not only knows the answer, but read it in Angela’s article. *gives that Erykah look along with Erykah*

So Donald Trump is either incredibly stupid or amazingly racist.

her father is basically dying, yet she’s spending her time shit-stirring and spreading GOP disinformation on daytime tv.

She must really, really hate her father to be such an ardent Trump supporter after everything he’s said and done to disparage John McCain.

And he’s been telling them the most effective way to do it for a decade.

Beat his ass? He should probably be on trial.

“But we have been disgusted with Donny Youngblood’s leadership for more than a decade.”