
As someone who did theater in college and couldn’t get cast to save my goddamn life... no.

I watched it as a kid..but it wasn’t until seeing it again recently that I got an off putting feeling about William Hurt..and then I went down a Google rabbit hole & discovered the abuse accusations made by Marlee Matlin during the time of their relationship/filming of the movie.

There are usually tons of taxis waiting outside the casinos. Especially on the Strip.

So the taxi escape leaves me with so many questions. Now I am not familiar with Vegas, but are there just tons of taxis lined up ready to go when you leave a casino? If not, did the guy ask the taxi to just wait there for 5 min while he went in? Did he just assume he’d be able to get a cab after the robbery?

So, let me tell you, Red Rock is out in Summerlin, so they’d be on you like white-on-rice out there. But, yeah, everything else you said is 100% true. lol

This is why we need to be at the forefront of expanding sexual health education and awareness while also combating things like homophobia and the disregard of feminist* concerns.

Yes! Philly girl born and raised (in the city). The rest of the state is a mess. Yes even the burbs here.

I was thinking the same thing. He wouldn’t necessarily be required to do so by law, but the conflicts are obvious. He was completely out performed by Cochran, who played him like a banjo.

Wait a goddamn minute... Darden was a friend of Nicole?

What are the odds Sergeant Lumbersexual thinks the ciggie hanging on his lip makes him look like a badass?

I’m surprised that he didn’t try to light his smoke with his gun.

Bet you liked Jon B. though....lol

Have you ever interacted with old, hip-hop heads? And when I say “old”, I mean someone in their mid-40's and up.

There are only 88 notes, there are only so many chords, etc. EVERYTHING is copying from something.

“Imagine what would happen if a non-white artist (any POC) decided to become a country singer, and utilized a pastiche of well known white C&W singers. And being invited to sing at the Grand Old Opry at the CMA, with much fanfare.”

JFC. Let Bruno & his roller set live.

Please do share your self proclaimed expertise in stereotypes with some sources, or are you an anthropologist or sociologist who has somehow proven these statements yourself with original research? If so, where did you publish? Or are you just another white man thinking he knows everything so he MUST BE HEARD

Being from the city my friends and I would always hangout “outside” but never ventured too far into “White people territory”. Later I have come to love fishing, hiking, running etc. But I do still realize the “Adventure Gap” for many minorities. This gap has become less societal where going too far into unfamiliar