
I put the blame on the likes of Ebony, taking advantage of the heritage of the black community. “Aww come on, you going to rat out a black publication, sister/brother? We in this together, fam! I get atcha when I can, you understand, right?”

I think it was more a call for help than an “admission”. He offered her a modeling job probably in exchange for sex and found herself in a situation she probably wasn’t sure how to get out of.

She only admitted it after she recognized her teacher. For whatever reason she didn’t trust any teacher implicitly enough to ask for help - maybe because she thought she wouldn’t be believed? Breaks my heart. Good job Mom (although... Where did your son say he got his money, and why did he say he had to travel so

White people think Obama ruined race relations because white people think black people speaking up about injustice is BAD for race relations. They think race relations are about silence.

They tried that “pay up first” on me at Rallys. I was like Nah, first i get the food, then I pay. They all just staring at me. Guess they aint use to black folks speaking up for theyselves

Thank you and so true.

those struggling to live, will grab onto any lifeline to survive.

What the hell ever happened to Powers Boothe? It’s like he disappeared after that series aired.

I just watched that doc on Koresh. Guy still has believers now. I could not believe that mfer who had burn scars on his hands is not rotting in jail. Not sure how the fires started but it seemed fairly known that they doused the place. That guy burned children alive, he should not be a free man. Sure, the botched that

Clearly, she escaped through a time portal when she fled Jonestown.

  • Jim Jones was and still is one of the top Bogeyman.

And there’s always this one asshole and his derailing whataboutism attempt.


Whitey is evil and all white people should be ashamed and held accountable?

“But clearly the racist SJW’s screaming for the blood of all white people exclusively here”

I Must have missed that part  

Can’t one racist, nutty asshole...

The power of white privilege...is hell of a drug.

Yea, kinda surprising how they can turn that alt-right meth head into a shotgun toting youth pastor.

Wow. Chad really “softened his look” for his trial.

And I’ll bet you that Chad still thinks that black people are somehow at fault for his actions.

Sounds a bit too much as though you want a “safe space” for your kids. College is also a time for them to grow up, and that includes learning to deal with adversity.