
Dude said he wanted it in cash, that employee was going to put most of it (as in all of it but the actual price of inspection) in his pocket.

Imagine being held hostage with your mom for 6 hrs by the police then being shot as your mom is shot to death. I cant bring myself to bring a child of color into this world

Jesus. This is how movies about global catastrophes start.

I’m down with what you say, these people are all below pond scum level for preying on those they’re charged to protect. I just don’t think they deserve quick deaths like that, it would just be a way for them to again cheat justice. Instead they should rot away slowly in the glumliest prison you could find, with no

This makes me shake with rage. You don’t have an operation this brazen and wide-ranging when it’s just “a few bad apples”.

“In the midst of the trial, Baltimore went 12 days without a murder in the city.”

I couldn’t even finish reading this. The amount of anger I felt inside is too much for this early in the morning.

Try not to forget about the detective that was shot and killed “in the line of duty” the day before he was set to testify against these guys. The Baltimore police saw nothing suspicious about that, even though one of the MANY crimes these cops are accused of is giving guns to non-cops and paying them to commit crimes

holy hell.

“Are there things to criticize about Israel? Certainly, without a doubt. Just like any other democratic society. But this article is one-sided and demonizes the country.”

Lord have mercy.

I’m disturbed by the fact that this is the first time I’ve ever heard of Toveet Radcliffe, but I’m not at all surprised.

Hebrew Israelites are not, in any meaningful sense, Jewish, which is why they don’t have citizenship rights in Israel. That said, nothing justifies the racism toward African and Arab Jews that is absolutely rampant in Israel, or the mistreatment and neglect of this woman. What a disgrace.

So in your mind, racism is tolerable up until it crosses a certain threshold? Throwing a banana is bad, but saying a dude shouldn’t be playing hockey because he’s black is okay because it’s not quite as racist? A little bit of racism is okay? That’s what you’re saying? Think about how fucking stupid that is.

Oh for fuck’s sake, they made a movie called “White Men Can’t Jump” about the irony of a white guy playing basketball and you weren’t chirping then. This seems more clever than hateful, just let it be.

“Saying “basketball” - seriously? That’s considered racist now? It would be different if someone threw a banana at him. I guess if it’s a white guy we shout “baseball”, “lacrosse” or similar?

What do you think they were getting at by chanting “basketball”?

It hurt being that stupid?

Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.

If this was supposed to be funny or edgy, it didn’t work.