
6. You’ve introduced a fat white woman to your mother as your girlfriend and weren’t even remotely ashamed of this.

Just because it was learned from the west doesn’t mean they get a pass. It’s 2018 B

Whooooh hoooo!! This is good TV. I remember reading about him when I was a wee girl. He was such an inspiration.

I feel like (and I’m white), as far as “attributed quotes” go with regard to the N-word, white people shouldn’t even use it then. And I know “But but what about Mark Twain”, but well, this isn’t the 1800s. If you have to relay a racist quote from someone else, how hard is it to just say “And then he called her the

No shit, huh?

Agreed. If the statement was in quotes, or screencapped it would have been slightly more acceptable, and I’d be willing to entertain ‘poor choice’ given the informal platform; but again, in context of her other tweets it looks like she says shit for shock value.

The Nword use seems to be an attributed quote, but in combination with throwing ‘fag’ around (pls don’t do this even if you are LBGT+, it encourages bigots to do the same) she def seems to think she’s got some kind of Edgelord pass.

What I don’t understand is how the NYT hired her to begin with, cause I know they had to see those tweets.

With white people here’s a test that almost never fails. Stress them out and have it be a black person or as in this case a black person in the periphery of the narrative and if they are racist they’ll crack.

Conclusion: If you want to complain about an issue at least find an example of it occuring that is real.

I am in academia and former LE and no one uses that term in regards to our history with English LE. We refer to this as the “English System”. Any other rationale is bullshit for the sake of it. Do better.

Oh, shut the fuck up. Applebee’s crusading ass. Do you realize how stupid you look right now?

You replied to Monique. Chill out.

This impassioned stanning for Applebees has made my morning.

Boy, that went racial, quickly. No, wait, I guess it didn’t if she’s been waiting so long to say it out loud, huh.

Where did you see me say anything about hating Applebee’s? Where did you see me say anything about boycotting etc? Nowhere in the article did I say any of that, so what are you talking about?

I am too. This is simply horrible and she should be punished, not be rewarded by getting damages from the airline.

I’m really angry this person killed an innocent animal who never chose to live with her or be her emotional support animal or to be flushed down the toilet.

Let’s all call the ASPCA. I’m going to. (I’ve borrowed an emotional support dog, but I’m a WOC in AmeriKKKa and also there was additional stress going on - much like this girl & her apparent cancer scare. But Vicky Duval had one of those, and she still just worked her way back into the WTA ... and without any

haaaaahahahahahahaha - guess he thought that extra dollop of SPORTSDUDE’S RELATIVE’S PRESTIGE, on top of his customary white privilege, was gonna give him that “I can shoot a guy on Fifth Avenue and they wouldn’t lay a hand on me” level of get-away-with-anything. Too late. Little overprivileged brat.