
Oh, I know you got it handled. It still sucks though.

Why do you assume we should give a fuck about whether you agree with us or not? She said what she said. Your agreement was needed or asked for. Move the fuck along, bro.

JFC, what a self important douche. Sorry you have to deal with him.


Just looking at his mug shot scares me.

Not just Holtzclaw (fuck that fetid piece of shit though). That Elliot Rodgers kid who killed 6 people 4 years ago was half Asian.

This is such bullshit. Why is the onus once again on black people to call out NBPOC on their anti-blackness and racism? Y’all shouldn’t have to do that. We need to start checking that shit out pronto. White people aren’t the only racists. Asians and Hispanics and Latinos have a lot of anti-blackness that we need to…

The half Asian ones especially ! There are entire websites about all the white supremacists with Asian wives. We will be dealing with their demon spawn one way or another. Who remembers Daniel Holtzclaw.

It’s such shit that this happens just about everywhere, but it’s always shocking how segregated California is and how much antagonism there is between groups.

Oh shit, can’t believe this has Rancho Cordova ties (actually, as a former resident, I totally can, it’s just sad is all).

The Fernandez part of this story doesn’t surprise me at all. In 2018, can we (black folk) call out the anti-blackness in Hispanic and Asian communities more often? Shit is not going to get any better as long as folks can benefit from black struggle and culture, stamp themselves with the POC label and then take their…

I was expecting to find out she was half Asian, but half Hispanic fits too. The halfies in CA are the worst offenders of racist behavior because they all turn around and try to use the “My [parent] is X” defense.

I already told ‘em. You can run but you can’t hide.

I know that Lil racist bitch won’t. Anyway, you can run but you can’t hide. Those black folks around there know who you are and THEY will find you.

The local rag published a link to her name: Desirae Fernandez Pleasant Grove High School Elk Grove 916-686-0230 (school number, not hers).

“I challenge anybody not to feel that their life was in danger in such a situation,” [scumbag cop’s scumbag lawyer] said

That’s the first bit of insanity to jump out at you, but I’m still stuck on “Thanksgiving gift.” Who gives gifts on Thanksgiving? And who gives a sword as a gift? Especially in Texas, where I assume that every person over the age of fourteen has at least two guns on them at all times.

Have to wonder what could have happened even if they knocked?

One reason among a multitude why calling the police was rarely considered the first or best option when I worked in the domestic violence field. We used to survey callers about their experiences with the police in DV situations, and I would be hard pressed to recall a single response that said, “It was great and the…

During the arrest, the juvenile was injured, and was transported directly to Troy Regional Medical Center.