
LOL I love candy corn too-but not enough to buy 5 lbs of it. Nah

This is horribly sad; and Cedar-Sinai's patronizing statement only worsens it. What they should have said is-"We're sorry. Our staff did not handle this situation with the urgency and compassion that they should have. All parties involved have been terminated." But I guess that's one lie they can't tell. So very sorry

...so Golf-Cart-Gail should be fined for being ugly AND racist, and her relative-cop should be suspended *without pay* for bothering this man based on her say so. Again, another black person is minding their business and next thing they know, they have to explain themselves to the police. Such obviously-racist

Sigh...the more things change the more they stay the same. Now if this bus was filled with black criminals or deadbeat dads it would've been all over TV, covered by all of the major networks. But since they were stopped from VOTING, no one is interested. Or worse, they'll deem it 'fake news'. I really feel like the

...all I can do is applaud the kids' mother for not whoopin her ass. This chick TRAUMATIZED those kids. There is no apology sufficient for that. The way that boy wailed broke my heart thru my cell phone screen. Even if I were a colossal whyte racist asshat--and I clearly am not, I wouldn't have been able to continue

LMAOOOOOOOOO--as a black woman and as a cray-cray-aunt, I laugh at the 'finna' reference cuz we're NOT above whoopin ass if you mess with the fam. But on a serious note, I am sick of this sh-- with these wannabe cops manhandling OUR kids. They do NOT put their hands on non-poc like this; not as often and not as

110% FACTS! I don't know what's worse: the way Trump stole the election, the nepotism amongst his 'staff'/relatives and the cowardice amongst the rest of his administration...Melania's broken English, his ongoing need to blame Obama & Clinton for everything...the Pocahantas references to Warren or the 'who cares?'

Yep. Well said. Like I stated on another thread, all of  these guys get along with Trump because---well birds of a feather. Trash and abusers begets more trash and more abusers.

...and if those really ARE Nike shirts-not cheap knockoffs, then the Sheriff still spent money with Nike and indirectly, Kaepernick right? TFOH. Fire him and send him on his way with a photoshopped image of him in one of those same shirts just to piss him off. Dumb fuck.

*stereotypical, correction

Is it HARD to not be stereotype? Harder still to not know how wrong it is to DOCUMENT such feelings...while in the course of doing business? WOW!

I live in New Jersey. There are alot of dumbass racists here & he proved it with that statement. For him & people like him, however, it's true. There ARE people who get promoted who don't deserve it of course: but they're usually whyte. Tfoh...systematically that is how this country governs. Oh-you live in that

Yeah uhh--I keep telling y'all about the racist fuckery that is Pennsylvania so...

Understood; however I find fault with the trash, self-loathing ignant black folk who seek out Trump like lil lapdogs from the days of slavery. Beyond his initial interactions with them: photo ops masked as meetings to discuss key minority issues it's obvious to me that they request his attention & time--not the other

VincentPrice---- is right. As a black woman I can plainly and confidently say that Azealia Banks does not speak for or rep for US. We don't claim her. She's the insane and irritable opposite of Stacey Dash: she THINKS she's black and powerful and enlightened: but what she really is, is paranoid, jealous, insane and

Im sorry that you were victimized and traumatized; once by the perpetrator and again by the system. Cyber hugs and prayers to you.

You better gottttttdamnnnnn PREACH!!!! These fukkn covfefe conservative hypocritical repunks kill me with their fake outrage over everything and everybody BUT themselves. They apologize for a skit that had obvious, ironic and dramatic value: but don't utter a WORD to those whose kids are wrongfully imprisoned or

I get it...but it may not be a good thing to put this in print?

"...you’ve entered a battle where you’ve been appointed defender of your own legitimacy." Damn....

LOL while I ALWAYS enjoy your writing style & your clap-backs, I really enjoyed your reply to Barry's ignorant azz. I often envision the keyboard anger, annoyance and embarrassment that these butthurt, misguided and racist whypipo feel when they read your responses to them. Deleted FB pages or email accounts or not,