
SIgh...#1-how many times do we have to go through this BULLSHIT? #2-THAT is how you respond to these situations (if, hopefully, you recognize the direspect *before* eating or using what you purchased). Swiftly return that crap and demand that the blatantly racist bs be addressed right then. Betcha Russell ain't

LOL...when c00nin for Faux News goes wrong. Dumb fugly ass. I always get a kick out of ppl who insert God into a situation AFTER they’ve said or done something stupid or racist or willfully douche-y. Too late now. God saw you call His children skanks too LOL. Look at the covfefe hypocrisy. 

I don’t have sympathy for him. I know a long-time friend of Cosby's. He’s guilty. I met him once and he is a major perv. What I do sympathize with—and am angered by, is the obvious bias of how the (in-)justice system swiftly convicts and punishes poc versus whypipo who commit the SAME crimes, or worse. But as far as

Ha! Now that’s a two-piece I can support. Then knock her tf OUT.

^^^^Allllllllllllllllllllll of THIS. There’s nothing wrong with this bobblehead-every-bad-blonde-joke-ever-Becky-bitch that a good right hook won’t fix. I’m beyond ‘teachable moments’ and ‘honest dialogue’ with asshats like this. To disagree is one thing: to tell a former first lady who WASN’T TALKING TO YA BITCHASS

As a black New-Jersian I am happy to see him go. I am also realistic about the fact that there are dozens more like him who remain in their cushy jobs.

This is some seriously WARPED shit! And what ‘wife’ stays and allows this perverse, sick fukk to be around their kids? Hellllllllllllllllllllls naw. The minute he acknowledged that he actually did that-I woulda been

Understood :-)

Oh well...I think Steve has reached his peak in terms of fame & being able to capture an audience. And, he is everywhere: there is a such thing as too much exposure. THEN--add his questionable 'jokes' lately, the leak of his rude memo to his staff, and most of all, his deer-in-headlights expression as he walked

These racists dont have to move from ‘up north’; there are native racist asshats in EVERY state. I grew up in Philly but lived in various places due to my job in IT. I lived in Massachusetts, Texas, Illinois, North Carolina, Georgia and various other places. Massachusetts and Maine were among the more hostile places I

I'm glad she won *in spite of* this kind of bs. But she got one thing wrong: ALL people are deserving of respect and common courtesy, unless or until they give you a reason to feel differently. If more people subscribed to that, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and countless victims of crime ACROSS color lines would still

True but behind most every troll profile is a real person, a real moron who can read and who needs to be called out on his/ her bullshit from time to time. He tried to point out crimes perpetrated by blacks. 1, I never said that black people don’t commit crime, but 2, this is not about that and 3, being arrested and co

Actually I was already aware of every story you posted links to--and the merits of each one have NOTHING to do with THIS story. I grew up in Philly and now live 40 minutes away, so I saw lots of coverage of the playboy models murder. And while she didn’t deserve to be killed, liking black D and going into the city to

Yes THAT part. Thank You!!!

SMH yet many a white guy with weapons and a blank or 'agitated' expression went unnoticed as they prepared to carry out mass shootings. Pot meet kettle.

Just the number of shots fired on ONE MAN who was a substantial distance away from the officers should be grounds for conviction. Kids in school are being tased while asleep: but they couldn't tase this guy?

Wrong is wrong. It was nice that the folks at Family Dollar were willing to let it slide but--some people have NO chill. And NO decency, hurricane or not. It’s idiots like these who embarras those who REALLY do need help. And in this age of camera phones and CONSTANT video, plus news coverage of the storm, they should

Ol girl needs her ass whooped AFTER she gets expelled. Anyone who repeatedly uses slurs of any kind and then gets a fucking attitude about it, like people don’t have the right to be offended is beyond logic. So for me, at that point, a good ol country ass kickin becomes a viable option. Any school administrators or off

Fabulous visuals, wonderful cause. It does get exhausting--trying to figure out what causes to support because there are so many needy groups. Respect!

LOL comical spin on the list--but I ain't mad at NONE of these dudes/groups. I just want them to invest wisely. And, adopt me :-)