LOL I am not surprised by the lack of tact here. Actually, it's funny to me cuz PETA knew they bet-not approach Ms Aretha will this bs or try to throw paint on any of HER furs over the years. How bout that?
LOL I am not surprised by the lack of tact here. Actually, it's funny to me cuz PETA knew they bet-not approach Ms Aretha will this bs or try to throw paint on any of HER furs over the years. How bout that?
No worries. I removed/dismissed the racist troll garbage; cuz they were silent till the story was found to be untrue **this time**. I didn’t lie so what I previously posted still stands in the event that such abhorrent sh!t actually does happen to MY kids. I’m not a fake or a coward like the whypipo who hate us but sta…
This ‘teacher’ needs to be removed from the classroom. She’s clearly biased and petty, to put it mildly. She doesn’t seem to be above physically abusing children
Yes. THAT part. N-word would’ve been his LAST word. Perfect scenario for a crime of passion. I would’ve lost IT. 60 is not that old, that far removed from reality to think that behavior is ok. Even the racist trolls can’t defend THIS—and we all know they’d try if they could. His body parts would be strewn about that…
I feel like I’m going to have a stroke or heart attack just by reading this. I can’t even give the parents credit for having restraint cuz I would have to get my hands on him. My little girl...nope I think I would’ve run him over with my car or ssomething. My God...
Does it matter? And why ASSume that this woman is on welfare? That has no bearing on this story. You must need some meth or child porn to take the edge off, if we wanna keep stereotyping. LOL keep em coming racist troll. I’ll play along till I get tired of you.
Yeah, I live in southern New Jersey now and agree that there are LOTS of racist asshats here. I grew up in Philly though: as soon as you get outside of the city limitsor worse: find yourself in a predominantly white part of town that is in denial about still being within Philadelphia’s limits, you find lots of racist…
Exactly. If you reverse EVERY aspect of this story...or most every other questionable police or racist-aggressor-instigated event, if a person of color was the shooter or complainant and the victim was white, the poc would be dead or incarcerated. Period.
*Correction: weapon not women, whose not who’s. When angry-typing goes wrong but is still right.
Bernie Madoff, Dennis Radar, Scott Peterson and The Green River Killer were all married. So yeah--THAT’S a good measurement of decency. LOL @ your stupidity trolling bitch...ha!
This is for THAT bitch and alllll the other racist trolls who lurk on this site and think like her: we don’t give a good shit if YOU agree with us or not. Yeah, Trayvon did kick Zimmerman’s round, tried-to-be-white ass—as he should’ve. You know why? Because Zimmerman had NO business, NO right to follow and make…
Lies...My Brother’s Keeper. Prison Reform. DACA (not all immigrants are {only} Mexican). Smart Cities/Strong Cities. Michelle Obama’s support for military families (not all servicemen & women are white either), etc. etc. STFU Huckabee wannabe, with your blatant lies.
+ and common sense. They’re quick to tell us to ‘get over’ slavery but don’t accept or ‘get over’ their own traumatic experiences or inability to acquire skills and gasp—work hard for what they want like everyone else. The playing field isn’t even and biased towards them JUST for being white anymore.
What? 1-did I give you the impression that I didn’t know that, or that I care? Cuz I promise you that I don’t gaf. 2-Do you think that the person who got fired cares? Cuz he clearly doesn’t. He made his point AND got a hefty nest egg thanks to gofundme. Just had to say something huh...
Good job BLM. Keep up the good work!!!
Respect-stand by your actions. This video was worth posting. Let the mainstream know how much seemingly American bred companies need Mexican and Latino staff to keep their sh!t running; just like upscale restaurants frequented by white folk who rave about the food, then see nameless black cooks leaving the kitchen.…
...I work in IT so I did not need a lengthy tutorial about who and how passwords are generated. My original comment still applies: THAT word was generated by a human being’s manual input. I didn’t assume that it was the same rep that the customer complained to. The issue lies in her stupid, dismissive comment about th…
I know, and I understand that: but the mere existence of a restraining order-- a recent one, plus a history of violence and police being called to the home would be enough for a white woman in the SAME situation to avoid charges.
See-more proof of covfefe, racist hypocrisy. If the law applies then it applies to EVERYBODY. There's a history of domestic violence between the two. There was a restraining order. Just the fact that she sought one means that she wanted it enforced--wtf kind of logic is that? Let her go. Where's her gofundme for a…
...the fact that the bitch said no one uses it anymore, instead of IMMEDIATELY apologizing and pushing forth fake tears to drive her (bs but necessary) apology home is proof that it was NOT random. What the fuck is right...I just can't...the various & miniscule ways that racism and discrimination affect us when we're…