
I don’t believe that 85% of us fall into that category. All of the stats these official agencies put out are flawed and designed to make us look like a drain on the system. Regardless, these people should have kept their opinions to themselves and just rendered care.

LOL I love it when the covfefe hypocrisy of ANY & ERRRRbody at Faux News is exposed! MAGA-one penile pic at a time.

...most of the legit (versus bs allegations) against Chris Brown stem from that ONE incident 10 years ago. I don’t make excuses for it but my point is, how easily GP glossed over far more wealthy whyte celebs with a far worse track record of bad behavior. You can ‘otherwise’ cosign that but I don’t have to. 

Yep. Good for their asses. And idgaf about what they do where they’re from, lots of these foreign business owners feign ignorance and use excuses—when they simply HATE black folk & think they can get away with assaulting or shooting us. Not just Arabs either; EVERY group that is not black but has businesses in black

My sentiments exactly. And we wont even mention the ones who have good credit and wealth but don’t pay their bills anyway.

Anything is possible. Gwyneth’s ‘Goop’ BS and her comment about working moms having it easier than her wealthy silver-spooned ass...oh and her full on "NIG--S in Paris' comment have all revealed her to be a clueless, annoying, insenstive, rich Becky-bitch. So if she really is THAT Becky (with the good hair) it

See...this is why stereotypes are so dangerous. The ASSumption that all black people are poor or lack resources is not only wrong, but should’ve NEVER come into play here. An emergency is just that: an emergency!! Worry about payment after the fact. What a shame and what HORRIBLE, biased, lying sacks of shit those ‘med

I;m sad for the victim(s) of this man but if anyone ever just looked evil and wicked, he is it. He shouldn't have HAD any friends. I would've never been around him. Whenever a person's WHOLE family shuns them there's a reason for it. Of course, his victim(s) didn't know that but THAT creepy mofo would never be in my

Old ignorant mf. She's right; voters who don't cosign such sexist & racist comments will get vote against that old bag--and others like him in upcoming elections.

...so youre trolling about this story how many days after the fact? And if what youre saying is true, would difference would it make to me as someone posting a comment? Reach out to the person who wrote the article. Again, IF what youre saying is true. Lastly, learn how to spell SANDWICHES.

1st-Nice to see a fellow Philly writer at TheRoot. 2nd-I always thought that Charlemagne was vile: now I KNOW that he is & I hope he loses his job, at the very least. You can't make a career out of openly dissing other ppl, calling them out on their bs yet also be a rapist. Oh wait--in the Bill Cosby, Harvey

Facts! LOL me too.

All of the whypipo whose letters were featured this week (minus Bree) are asshats. The sad thing is that I’m sure they consider the drivel they wrote to be factual. WRONG! And, as a black woman who is established in her sanity, self-esteem and career...who put herself through college and doesn’t blame whyte folk for

LOL I just had an outburst of laughter at work. If the same scenario played out with adults and some nudity it would probably be on Cinemax :-)

TY. Thats exactly what happened too.

LOL it’s amazing how quickly wannabe bullies fall back when they get a taste of their own medicine aint it?

I was a timid little girl. I’m an only child; so I was always happy to be around other kids but painfully shy when I met them for the first time. The first time I went to visit my paternal grandmother, when I was about 6 years old (as she tried to repair her strained relationship with my mom’s side of the family), I

LMAO not over the sink...LOL so true

“...All day I’ve had to remind myself that Jesus died for these people too.” I appreciate your wisdom young man. I will try to remember this before yelling obsecenities while driving. He didn’t deserve this. Bigoted racists & their ASSumptions...

Blah-blah-and fukkn blah. Anything but-"I eff'd up. You caught me. I apologize and will not do it again.'