OMG they must be doing the same thing here! That--or my allergies miraculously worsened as I read this story. My eyes are watery and I’m sniffing like crazy.
Agreed. Trayvon’s murder and Zimmerman’s acquital are a damn disgrace.
The bitchassness that was displayed here—and the NERVE, the UNMITIGATED GALL that led this minus-melanin-mofo to return to the game AFTER dialing 911 is white privilege x’s infinity. He should have been fouled into unconsciousness at that point. Bastard! And the fucking cops should have LOCKED him up! The public…
Honestly, that's sad.
Loves Gabby. She keeps it real. I love her honesty and her sense of style. I LOVE her clothing line with NY&Co too.
No-one is disputing the unwarranted violence of this asshat; the problem is that WE are always taken into custody, or assaulted or shot by police SWIFTLY. But when the same UNNECESSARY violence is perpetrated against us, we’re lucky if charges—robust, appropriate charges—are even filed. God forbid someone is…
...meant to say potential *mother*.
As a black woman, and potential woman, I want to say--Thank You for sticking up for us.
LOL facts. At this point I think we’d be better off with a meteor as President. Hell a random pebble will do. At least it can’t tweet or separate innocent kids from their parents.
...meanwhile said prosecutor (hopefully we can soon say 'former prosecutor') is out here looking like an uncircumcised penis. Tfoh
That is a valid point too. That’s how Bernie Madoff operated. He spared no expense for his wife, with other people’s money. But he victimized eeverybody else. Still, I find most rich people to be sb anyone surprised? I mean really: MOST wealthy people stay that way by shitting on everybody else. An old-ass millionaire in PA was just sentenced to prison, and ordered to repay millions because he charged 1000%+ interest on payday loans. And he gives 0 fukks. It's unbelievable.
LOL so true. They just can’t leave US alone. Especially when WE are engaging in activities that they think only they have access to. Like golfing or swimming, driving nice cars, napping while enrolled at Yale, etc.
I know. But obviously there’s still some red there too.
At this point, racist whypipo KNOW how hurtful and harmful, and potentially tragic it could be for black youths when they call the police. What gets me about this situation, is the ASSumption racists make about black folk; we’re lazy, our kids are up to no good, being thugs (while their kids smoke meth, rob…
I gotsa WHOLE NEW respekkk for John Legend. LOL speak!
Ah ok thx. SMH
I have the utmost respect for this man. He’s putting himself and his band in harm’s way simply by calling out racism, in the south. That is no small feat.