Woke Up Dead

Also, fcuk F1 for sports-washing Azerbaijan’s warmongering dictatorial regime through their race in Baku.

Credit card statement wouldn’t be enough?

I wonder if his Cambridge debate with Buckley will make it into the biopic; I first heard Baldwin speak by reading article commemorating an anniversary of the debate with links videos of the debate. His story about how Buckley was afraid of sharing an elevator with him was interesting too.

Are you blind or are you hoping that we are? They shove her out of the way and beat her black friend, you can also hear a woman yell “beat HIS ass!” Not great, but also not “white woman gets dragged by her hair and beaten by a mob.”

And now it happened twice in the span of a couple of days: https://nypost.com/2023/04/17/kaylin-gillis-shot-and-killed-by-upstate-ny-homeowner-sheriff/. That second incident wasn’t a case of racism (white woman was shot), but it’s the same irrational fear-fueled gun use.

Lol, beat me to it.

Damn, that almost looks photoshopped.

By the lowest listed estimate, yes. By the highest, more than half do. But even 25% is not “tiny;” giving back shelter and mental health care to a quarter of homeless people would make a huge difference.

I don’t know about California, but here in BC it’s not a “tiny part” of the problem; studies in Canadian cities have indicated that between 23% and 67% of homeless people may have a mental illness.

It’s not “shoved into mental institutions,” it’s “giving them the option to come off the street for the kind of mental health help they need.”

What a fucking idiot. First to deliberately get caught inside a car, against advice of colleagues, and then to shoot the driver from inside a speeding car, presumably while not wearing a seatbelt. And just before that the police were actually discussing the smart thing to do: let him go if he tried to take off.

You couldn’t have looked very hard. East German and Soviet women athletes also passed every drug test at the time. There’s no conclusive evidence she took drugs, but there’s a whole lot of smoke from different sources and angles. The last article contradicts what you say, they only tested her to see if drugs were the

Flo-Jo may never have been CAUGHT using performance-enhancing drugs but the way her body changed in her mid-20s and signs of excessive organ and heart growth from her post-mortem are strong indicators that she used human growth hormone. Ironically, Marion Jones may actually be a better example of racist backlash to

I like Reese’s and Morris’s responses, but I’d go further: I think all athletes from all sports should boycott visits to the White House (or the Canadian Prime Minister’s residence), no matter who’s in power at the time. They’re just being used as props, youthful winners standing behind some old politician for a

No no, that’s 2000's lingo, and Alex is dead. These days you should say “cool story bro.”

I will care about motorists opinions when they start driving safely. I have seen to (sic) many in my lifetime ignoring the rules of the road, speed limits, turn signals, distracted by phones, etc.. When they are held accountable like they should be, then I will care about them complaining losing space to bike lanes.

Paris did since August 2021: 30km/h (20 mph) anywhere but the Champs Elysees (50km/h) and the highway that encircles the older part of the city.

Video #1, 0:59: after the new city laws put her whistle tip shop out of business, she lost some weight and moved to Baltimore where she was often seen with a Glock and a power drill.

She’s one of those people who I sometimes or even often agree with, but has absolute shit opinions and understanding of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

I saw “Hidden Figures” just last month. Fascinating topic and story, but the performances and movie itself were just meh. Felt more like a TV movie of the week than an Oscar-worthy production. The book might be really good though, I bet it explains the technical problems that the women solved in better and more