Woke Up Dead

“Don’t follow cars in front of you so closely.” I don’t know why none of my more driving-experienced passengers (dad, friends) didn’t give me that advice until my early 20's, it could have saved me a couple (fortunately minor) at-fault accidents. I was a pretty responsible and good teen driver otherwise, but that one

I had a 1990 that I sold with over 250K on the clock and it still ran as strong as new, but that was the 4-cylinder engine which was legendary. The V6 was great too, but not quite as durable.

The caricature of the Irish guy looks a lot more offensive than the black guy getting trampled in that cartoon.

Conservative virtue signaling. Logo on food packaging mean next to nothing even to those who like it and buy it regularly.

I love the trains in Europe, but what is it with them constantly making these mistakes that end up as case studies in project management courses? France had a similar debacle last decade: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27497727

Sitting in my office, looking out the window at traffic, I’d estimate that 60% of cars are breaking road rules at any given moment, mostly by speeding. And you know what? I’m ok with it, the speed limit outside my office is too low, that’s why the drivers feel safe going a little faster. Just like it’s perfectly safe

Evil mercenaries in Mali who should be brought to justice? They should have been made to look like Russia’s Wagner group instead.

Remember when tasers were being introduced and the police swore up and down that they would only be used as a non-lethal self-defense alternative, and not a tool to get compliance?

Bike boxes at traffic lights on some roads with bike lanes in Vancouver, BC. Bikes get to move to the front of the line so that they can make left turns easily, and so that they can go straight through the intersection without worrying that the car next to them that’s turning right doesn’t see them. Works OK most of

I go camping a lot, everything from fairly hardcore backpacking or kayaking trips where we haul everything in and out, through car-camping in well-organized family campgrounds with running water and other amenities, to very occasionally sleeping in an RV. I don’t really see the advantage of a roof-top tent in general,

Here’s the other Beyonce article with interesting comments: https://www.theroot.com/beyonce-performed-for-the-1st-time-since-2019-at-an-inv-1850017952

The difference between the Chicago sculptures and this MLK one are that the former are art for art’s sake: it’s ok if they’re a little weird, a little provocative, hard to understand, etc. But a sculpture of a historical figure should make the historical figure easily recognizable. It’s like the difference between a

No, no, that’s too much effort, it has to be done the Jalopnik way: ask the READERS to comment what the best filler content is, then create a slide show out of the responses.

Musou black. It looks like a video game glitch.

I’d expect him to not go to war, since by his time there there were real doubts about the need for that war, and since he had so many other options. Otherwise, I’d expect him to not mention exactly how many people he shot from a helicopter and deflect questions about specific numbers like most decent vets do.

No kidding, at that price I thought it would be this Saab Viggen:

Boxing has (had?) the best story tellers by far, in my opinion. I actually got interested in watching boxing not by seeing it on TV at first, but by reading some short stories about it:

Reminds me a bit of the Kelly Thomas case, but Gadson is homeless AND a black male, doesn’t get more vulnerable to cops than that.

Damn, good catch...

Bobby Kotick looks like a mask you’d wear to a bank robbery.