Woke Up Dead

She was so good when she started her career it was hard to believe her dad when he said that her younger sister might be even better.

The article omits some really interesting facts around Mather and Onesimus, particularly how Benjamin Franklin was one of the anti-vaxxers in their town until one of his sons died from the epidemic. As is often the case with these lesser-known bits of black history in America, Michael Harriot explains it best:

What is that on top of the engine that looks like a muffler?


I think Mishellay’s point makes the old asshole look even worse.

That first question on the video is infuriating. I guess the pregnant lady was caught off guard and surprised, but “none of your business,” “keep wondering,” “I’m not answering your stupid question” or “who are you to ask me that?” would have been good responses.

The humiliating searches suck, but I feel like this bigger: “The stops yielded more than $1 million in cash and money orders from 25 passengers.”

I’m not a football fan but I used to follow boxing, another sport where participants often suffer multiple head traumas in a short time. Meeting old boxers is often kind of sad; some, like George Foreman, seem to be mostly unaffected from taking headshots for decades, but others stay permanently “punch drunk” even

I wonder if she could hang up a poster for the Bureau of Land Management with the first letters of each word really really big, and argue that it’s a non-political organization.

One four year old truck can look like another to the police, but not to the owners! I have a very common car in a very common colour, but as soon as I get close I can tell what is and what isn’t mine: a scratch here, a dent there, a minor customization, different tires, a rip in the seat, etc. It’s a work truck so I’m

Michael Harriot has a really good Twitter thread about Court’s 24 Grand Slam titles and why they don’t stack up to Serena’s 23:

If you want to see what Shavers was about, I recommend two of his non-title fights which you can find on YouTube: his sloppy brawling loss to Ron Lyle, and his one round icing of Ken Norton.

Satisfying story. Though I’m not sure if I’d follow and confront an angry racist with a kid in my car. Or maybe I would up here in Canada, but in gun-happy Florida, ehhh...

True, I missed that. 

I think he gave us that advice because from his experience it usually wouldn’t lead to that slippery slope. Maybe nine times out of ten the cops take their little victory and move on. Keep in mind though that our main goal was to be available to record police interactions with protesters, homeless, etc, instead of

That sucks big time, getting arrested while doing a good deed for a neighbour. My parents are currently on vacation, they asked their Filipino neighbours to water their garden occasionally and help themselves to whatever fruits and veggies are going ripe; I’m sure it didn’t cross anyone’s mind that this could lead to

That’s BS. Moving another person’s bike over a bit is like sliding others’ coats on a hanger to make some space for yours, or moving an unattended shopping cart out of your way in a store aisle.

I don’t remember the date and name, but my funniest Desus & Mero moment was when they contrasted some white supremacist’s leader’s tough talk before and during the Charlottesville Unite the Right event, to his crying and blubbering on camera afterwards when he found out there’s an arrest warrant out on him. This was

OK, that’s two cases, if true. On the other hand, how many cases are there of suspects, even possibly armed ones, running away from the police and NOT hurting them? I bet there were at least two that occurred between the time I started and finished writing this post.