Would they even need the charade though? Toronto load-managed Leonard openly the year they won it all.
Would they even need the charade though? Toronto load-managed Leonard openly the year they won it all.
That’s it? That’s all? I read “she cocked her hand back and hit her teacher” in the article, “violence against teachers” and other similar comments below it, so I expected a fist to the face or something similar in the video. Instead I see a funny slap to the arm, not a lot worse than what a frustrated mom might give…
Thanks for the mansplaining but we all know the order of events.
Agreed, though the match wasn’t lost on the forfeited game, Naomi served it out to win.
There’s sexism in tennis, but I don’t think Serena’s penalty was it. The “worse” examples of what male tennis players did that Osaka refers to are the kind of abuse that umpires are used to: anger, f-bombs, John McEnroe type of stuff. Serena got her first warning for cheating (coaching, which her coach later admitted…
Sure, why not. They’ll just get your license plate and send you an even bigger ticket in the mail. Maybe it will be delivered by a police officer coming to peacefully arrest you too.
Can the FSD park a Tesla in a tight spot in a cramped underground garage? That’s pretty much the only use case where I think it might be better than a lot of drivers and not require supervision. The lines on the ground are highly visible, the concrete pillars and other cars are static and clear, and it probably does a…
This was always going to be a hard conviction to win. Despite all the stupid, freedom-fighter-larping, illegal and provocative things he did, in the end the video showed him down on the ground as one guy swung a skateboard at him and another was standing over him with a handgun. I was hoping they’d at least get him on…
I can’t believe you guys are spilling so much ink over the guy who failed a Hoobastank audition.
Oh damn, sorry to see you go. I keep reading The Root because I feel about most issues here the same way as most writers and commenters do, but it was your writing that initially brought me in when it was cross-posted at the old Deadspin. I especially liked your heavily researched and heavily referenced take-downs in…
There is nothing in either the blog post, or the actual news source, that says the cops were shooting from a block away.
No one said the cops fired from a block away. The two guys shot at each other a block away from the stadium, and the police were about a block away then when they opened fire on a car
Wrong trial. Too many of them.
“I wonder how the prosecutor’s Rube Goldberg view of the universe works.”
Look at this headline from the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Was it truly that serious or did Morris flop a bit? Or both?
My neck hurts after watching OB Sr’s video.
Small concessions to defuse the possibility of radical changes is the way power usually tries to hang on to power. Up here we gave Quebec a lot of special treatment after they came up short but close in their vote for independence. Capitalists begrudgingly gave socialist labour movements a lot of concessions when commu…
I have seen enough of those type of pics of postcards online and similar pics in WWII museums to know that this type of different perception of reality isn’t new, but in this age it’s especially stupid. The southerner in the postcard of the 19th century lynching realistically didn’t have to worry about getting in…
The thing that will always strike me the most about this case is that they would never had been charged had one of them not posted the video publicly thinking that IT WILL SHOW HOW INNOCENT THEY ALL ARE!!