Woke Up Dead

You don’t think 43.4% is credible? It’s definitely not fringe. I’m pretty sure moderate concessions were made in response to more extreme threats that has a lot less support than this. For an idea that didn’t even really exist in public consciousness five years ago, 43.4% support is pretty good and I bet some people

Oh definitely it’s a little optimistic and probably naive. And I agree with what you say about power and how unlikely those who have it are to give it up. My thinking is that if there’s a credible threat to them losing ALL their power then they are more likely to begrudgingly give up some power to stop that bigger

Cops usually hate dealing with a lot of the stuff this proposal sought to take out of their hands, particularly dealing with the homeless and with people having a mental health episode. Many of them know they are not trained for those situations and don’t have the resources to handle them well; the most they usuallyp

No, that’s not what I’m arguing. I’m sure part of the social media outrage in this case was from racists piling on. I’m arguing against your quote below.

OK you win. I admit that in all of sports history and in American high school sports specifically no parent or observer has ever had anything bad to say about a team or coach running up the score or doing anything else that might be construed as unsportsmanlike unless they were motivated by racism to do so.

No, the post with the racial school stats was another post by another user.

You didn’t see the link in my post that you got dismissed here yesterday? Here it is again: https://www.fox5ny.com/news/high-school-football-coach-suspended-after-lopsided.

But once again, there’s plenty of similar stories about white HS teams with white coaches getting criticized for running up the score. Maybe racists happily pile-on when the team is black, but this always starts with crappy coaches and pearl-clutching parents, of all races it seems.

There’s a story like that about every year it seems: https://www.fox5ny.com/news/high-school-football-coach-suspended-after-lopsided-victory

They sure as fuck don’t tell white people they are being poor sports for having the temerity to win

A lot of fishy things about this case, but this— “An Avid Swimmer Doesn’t Drown Himself” - simply isn’t true.

This was going to be a tough case for the prosecution to win even with a fairer judge. If you pretend you don’t know anything at all about the background or events immediately preceding, then the video of Rittenhouse shooting the last two of his three victims looks like someone defending himself justifiably. The

What does a pirate call a fish with no eye? A “fsh”

“They just make funny jokes like, ‘Oh, hey, your shoe is untied,’ but it’s really not untied,”

That’s entirely possible, he was the best player on the team. But in this case it may not be so easy to get rid of him if they did want to. There are basically three ways to do it: 1) buy his contract out, but even rich teams will balk at buying out $28M remaining on a contract and also the buyout window is closed now

The league investigated and couldn’t find anything. I think the Sharks would love to find a reason to suspend him and maybe even terminate his big contract, there are reports that many Sharks players don’t want him on the team due to his behaviour. However, he can’t be suspended on allegations alone.

Kane has a long long long track record of stupidity. Altercations in bars, gambling, late to team meetings and violating team dress codes (that’s minor in the big picture but very important and disrespectful to team mates and he should know that), self-inflicted bankruptcy, and on and on. It’s too bad because on-ice

As I was reading the article I was thinking of ways to delicately and sensitively call attention to certain things… but then I saw your comment and decided to star it instead. His good deeds don’t balance out even the whitewashing of the Mai Lai massacre, never mind his empty vial performance at the UN which led to

No way, Bubbles is a good Canadian kid eh. This is the mailbag:

Sure, but damn, so many good songs out there written from the point of view of murderers, rapists, criminals. Half of all metal bands wrote songs from the point of view of serial killers. Lots of happy songs about sex with underage groupies. Misogyny in everything from the blues through the Beatles to gangsta rap.