Woke Up Dead

Not that he didn’t deserve it, but I think that the fact that his racist emails were the only ones leaked out of the NFL’s investigation of 600K+ emails in the putrid Washington franchise indicates a hatchet job against Gruden, quite possibly because he used homophobic slurs against the league’s commissioner. I doubt

These emails were discovered as part of the NFL’s investigation into the Washington football club and the crap and culture there. I think this summer they announced that they will be going through 600,000+ emails as part of their investigation. Those emails were not made public so someone must have leaked just these

Just this week the NHL found itself in controversy when Robin Lehner, the current goalie for Las Vegas, accused teams of giving out Ambien and Benzos without prescriptions to help players sleep during road trips. Those drugs don’t give the kind of high quality, restful sleep that brains need to recover from stress and

The address is in the discussion under the previous Root article on this story.

Even Ozyfest—the company’s signature music festival–was fake.”

I stand corrected then.

“…Rodney King, a Black motorist being beaten and tased by four police officers…”

Sure, but by that definition all the anti-German resistance and partisan groups in WWII were also terrorists. They all did worse things than bombing empty buildings. It’s not a clear label, whenever I read someone is a “terrorist” I try to find out to whom and what for.

I don’t know the particulars of this case but remember that Nelson Mandela was also called a terrorist by the South African government of his time as well as by American conservatives. It’s easy for any government to stick that label on someone, or a group they don’t like.

It’s been happening to me too for a few weeks. I noticed that I can’t see grey replies in a thread if they’re the 5th reply or more. So I can’t star or reply to them if they’re good, and can’t dismiss them if they’re bad.

I mean it’s six apples, what could it cost? Sixty dollars?

Wait what? What do the little blue pills made by Pfizer have to do with Cam Newton or his release here? He’s only 32, he shouldn’t be having that problem...

Why do you feel that way? I’m white too, but I feel nothing in common with what appear to be WASPs holding those signs in the main picture above, or the rednecks in their trucks with their rebel flags, or the Italian Karens caught on camera saying racist shit. I’ll feel irritated and embarrassed when a Polish American

In my notifications I see someone grey asking where’s a good source of records, but Stupid Kinja doesn’t show his post here, so I’ll reply like this. Discogs is a very good source of used LPs. But try to find a local record store if you can, it’s almost always some small, independent enterprise, so you’ll be

Yes, your math is in line with mine, a couple posts below. But the greater points remain: Dan Patrick sucks for framing the stats the way he did, and either The Root or The Guardian or both are sloppy for saying his stats are wrong.

No it’s all good, I collect them too, but they’re nicely arranged on an Ikea bookshelf. I’m happy I grew most of my collection about 20-15 years ago before it became popular to do so; I was able to buy dozens of great records for $1-3 a piece, now I’d need to spend ten times as much.

As The Guardian explains, the data doesn’t support that claim:

Oh, and where the fuck are you all getting all those damn crates??

I think he was swinging out left to make a right turn, maybe a U turn from one road or alley parallel to the tracks to another road parallel to the tracks on the other side. From another video I saw it looks like the truck’s left wheels scraped hard and got stuck against the curb near the tracks; it’s obscured by that

I haven’t caught a real cold or a flu in over a year and it’s wonderful lol.