Woke Up Dead

I can’t find the exact quote now, but some American journalist or maybe politician asked a politician from one of the Nordic countries why they don’t have the types of problems based on misinformation that the US does. The reply was “we have good elementary schools.”

There’s so much value in those 20-30 year old V6 Buicks. Most people don’t want to be seen in a “senior’s car” but seniors tend to drive their cars gently and get them professionally maintained regularly.

If a grey user replies to your post then you can dismiss him and his post will disappear if no one starred him first.

Another Onion-worthy explanation, just like the one from a couple of days ago where the cops felt threatened by emojis and shot the suspect because they got tired of running after him.

What would you do in the police’s shoes?

the officers believed that Peterson had threatened violence towards the police on his social media with the use of emojis

I found you can’t see grey comments anymore if they are more than four replies deep into a thread.

A guy with an alleged history of harassment and discrimination, and a woman with controversial views on Harvey Weinstein, the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and vaccines. What a duo.

Haha, haven’t heard that one. “Throw the horse over the fence a bale of hay” works too.

Sorry for the off-topic, but maybe someone can help me with stupid Kinja.

The white woman stole ~$240K, not $2M.

The American women 4x400 team is so dominant that even the coach of the Poles, who were one of the other medal favourites, told his team “thinking of beating the Americans is an illusion, focus on beating the Jamaicans for silver.

Would you feel safer on the streets of Chicago or at the insurrection? Let’s try it and see who gets home safer.

Is this kind of like Dick Cheney searching for a VP for Bush W and choosing himself? Was this all a sham and the decision was solely his in the end?

Team USA, which has historically dominated this event,

No, that’s a different good looking black sprinter with long dyed hair. Richardson’s from the US and she won’t get to run in Tokyo.

Also, it’s possible for something to be both funny and offensive. My sense of humour is quicker than my sense of right and wrong, so I will usually laugh first and then think “that’s not right” a second later. I’m Polish and I guffawed at Polack jokes before.

(edit: damn you Kinja) Sure, but that’s anecdotal, like my story about myself and my wife. In the meantime, studies (https://ysjournal.com/why-are-cases-of-food-allergies-in-developed-countries-on-the-rise/) and surveys across large numbers of people in different countries lend credence to the “Hygiene Hypotheses.”

That’s dumb. I’m not criticizing Simone Biles, but if I wanted to, I couldn’t criticize a top athlete without first replicating that top athlete’s performance?

Agree with this. Evidence is starting to grow that lack of germs in childhood can lead to allergies; apparently kids’ immune systems get “bored” and need to make up an enemy to fight without them. My wife and I come from countries where water was more expensive and standards of household cleanliness more lax than