Playing some silly tune while marching next to them, I saw that video, haha.
Playing some silly tune while marching next to them, I saw that video, haha.
The dude in the first Twitter video sounds like such a low-IQ tool. “Are you trying to assault people? With, with, with... auditory weapons?” Hahaha, good on the whistler and the band.
Would it have your desired effect? Would colleges and universities really turn down students because of the school district they came from?
No idea who she is, don’t follow the WNBA or play the video game, but I think this is pretty cool and the artwork is great. I hope NHL 22 and FIFA 22 follow.
Nice, the Austin America in this article has a British flag on it, and your British Spitfire has a Polish Air Force emblem from its time in the 316th squadron.
And I was thinking that they’re distracted by the rotary phones they’re trying to use while driving.
No, the police were the right people for this situation, they were called for a “break-in” (even though it was actually confusion or a trespass at worst), but they were just so crappy at their job here. All they had to do was identify themselves as police and there’s a good chance he would have complied.
“Him saying that I’m not afraid of the police, I think it’s a glimpse into what his attitude was toward the police officers or toward the police in general,” said Alm.
Shinobi! I don’t think this guy could get past the first boss.
I thought I’d have more sympathy, but it turns out I don’t like armed larper groups with silly names no matter their skin colour.
I’ve summoned a burning fire demon in Baldur’s Gate, and that was pretty dumb...
We have had attacks on US interests over the years, but no foreign power has been able/willing to attack us directly.
Has it though? When the modern Olympics started only White countries and White athletes were allowed to take part. The Olympics never was a unifying event for different cultures, countries, etc.
Can you think of any time in the past 100 years that some foreign entity posed a threat to the American way of life?
Good for her, but man, this feels like back to square one somehow. Smith and Carlos raised their fists in protest on the podium over 50 years ago and 15 years ago it seemed like they were finally getting some positive recognition after decades of backlash: they got an HBO documentary, a statue in San Jose, and the…
The reason usually given is that they want to prevent organized rioting and looting, so they need to infiltrate to learn who’s going to be doing what and when. However, it’s largely ineffective because when rioting and looting does happen it’s usually spontaneous and unplanned. One guy throws a brick and then everyone…
Good, but to be honest, I’m kind of glad the undercover cop got a beating too. Knowing that police have infiltrated a protest discourages a lot of people from protesting.
Meh. Throwing the black guy under the bus is ten times worse than that graphic.
You mean why you suddenly DON’T have a cat.
Is it kind of like a newer version of Sid Meier’s Pirates! ? I loved that game. Is it possible to have fun playing it alone, or do you have to join forces with someone to get the most out of the game?